Page 7 of Love Over Easy
“Girls, meet Dell. He’s the diner’s bookkeeper—”
“Bookkeeper?” I repeat, shocked at the news. Because for the past two weeks, Grandma Rose hasn’t mentioned him once. Much less introduced us. My skills are strong, but it would have been nice to have some guidance while I was sorting through the old-fashioned system. I’m the one running the office side of things while she’s gone. And she never mentionedDellin any of our conversations.
“He’s been visiting his granddaughter in Fairbanks.”
“So, he’ll be taking over the books while you’re gone?” I ask, mildly hopeful that I might get out of some of my diner duties. The less time I spend around Rowan the better. It might take days, weeks, or longer to stop thinking about that kiss. I’d buried it deep in my memories but seeing him last night resurfaced everything, as if it happened days ago and not years. I need to get my head on straight.
“Oh no. He’s traveling with me. You didn’t think I was going on a world cruise all by my lonesome, did you?”
“How romantic!” Aurora gushes as Willow and I cringe. We want Grandma Rose to be happy, but we don’t need the imagery. For the first time in more years than I care to claim, Willow and I share a glance that says everything without a single word.
For just an instant, my lips twitch in unison with hers. For a moment, we’re sisters again.
“I just stopped in for a round of hugs,” Grandma Rose says, pulling Aurora into her arms and squeezing. “And to check on our new short order cook. Where is he, by the way?”
I expected Rowan to be here an hour ago, to start prepping or whatever, but the diner technically doesn’t open for another ten minutes. My heart starts to race in fear. What if he doesn’t show up? What if he’s changed his mind and is leaving us high and dry? He might still be mad about how we left things three years ago. Could last night have been one big revenge tease? I’m the best equipped of us sisters to man the kitchen, but we’d be lucky to last the day before every last customer walked out unimpressed with their meals.
“I’m right here, Rose.” Rowan’s deep tone startles me from behind, sending involuntary shivers throughout my body.That’s new. He goes in for a hug, his large frame swallowing Grandma Rose’s petite frame. “Any changes I should know about?”
“You know me,” Grandma Rose says. “If it’s a well-oiled machine, nothing needs changing.”
“Your kitchen’s in good hands,” he promises, stealing a second hug before I’ve even gotten my first. “Have fun, and let your down hair.”
“I’ll be doing more than that,” Grandma Rose says with a wink that makes Dell grin like a lovesick fool. She swoops with surprising speed and squeezes me tight. “You should too,” she whispers in my ear, leaving me choke-gasping as she pulls back. “I’ll see you ladies in…well, I’m not quite sure. But I’ll check in. Tootles!” With a wave of her gloves, Grandma Rose and Dell leave. The jingle of the bells overhead the only sound for several otherwise uncomfortable beats of silence.
This is it.
We’re really in charge.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” Willow mutters.
“Me too,” I agree.
“Oh, come on,” Rowan says, leaning against the counter in that movie star pose. Drawing my attention to the low-slung jeans on his hip. His gaze falls on me, unapologetically lingering on my lips. Reminding me of last night. “It won’t bethatbad.”
Desperate to distract myself, I grab a nearby clipboard. Never mind that it’s empty. “Aurora are all the tables wiped down?”
“Yes,Mom,” she answers with an eyeroll. The way she crosses her arms over her chest warns me the attitude I can expect from her today is high.
“Good. Money in the till?”
“Who put you in charge?” Willow challenges. I can’t tell if she’s teasing or serious. Maybe a little of both. Whatever it is, Aurora doesn’t move. She’s convinced they’re teaming up against me.
“Someone has to be.”
“Why should it be you?” Okay,notteasing.
“Ladies,” Rowan says, stepping between Willow and me, bringing to light how close we moved without realizing. Another few inches and Willow and I would’ve been nose to nose. This wouldn’t be the first time, or even tenth, that Rowan stepped between us to prevent a fight. But it is definitely the first time I’m thrown off by his musky cologne. Has he always worn it? “No throwing fists or hair pulling until at least day four.”
“He’s right,” Willow relents. “Don’t want to give Grandma Rose a reason to turn around.”
“I’ll flip the sign,” Aurora says with a dramatic sigh. But she doesn’t make it to the door before she turns around and runs, hiding in the back.
“What the—”
“It’s the police chief!” She ducks into the kitchen and squats down behind the pass-through window.