Page 14 of Pocus
“This is just a temporary development,” I assure my brothers. “There’s no way my baby sister is getting married to that dickhead. At least, she managed to get Anderson to back down for now. This gives us time to eliminate the threat altogether.”
“How?” Seer asks, leaning forward slightly in his seat. His brows are pulled up in that quizzical frown he always has when he’s trying to process his thoughts.
“Something tells me that Anderson Grey treads dark waters,” I reply. “I’m not sure what it is, but I definitely sensed all sorts of evils from his walls the last time I was in his office. And the employees…,” I incline my head. I’ve been wondering why this thought has been pricking at my subconscious for the past few days. “Is a corporate organization such as The Anderson Group allowed to have only female employees?”
“I don’t see how it’s against any law,” Seer replies with a thoughtful shrug. “However, it does seem…weird.”
“Right?” I ask. “Besides, the women all seemed miserable.”Except for the one with the mysterious hazel eyes.“Anyway, we need to dig up some dirt on him ASAP if we are going to stop whatever heinous plans that bastard has. Snake? Do you think you can find anything we can use against the son of a bitch?”
“One minute,” Snake says, his fingers moving rapidly on the keyboard in front of him. It’s a good thing I had a complete computer set up installed in the room we use for church a few months ago for Snake. It lets him source information on the spot and saves us the waiting period.
“Damn,” Snake mutters, leaning back in his seat with a breathy sigh. “His company’s firewall is one of the strongest I’ve ever come across. Last night, I did look into old articles and blogs, you know, the rebellious sights…but he’s surprisingly clean with no scandals or whispered secrets. I did find a kind of lead, though.”
“What is it?” I ask, barely stopping myself from sounding desperate.
“Okay, so I saw this seemingly harmless comment under an official Instagram post that was directed at Anderson’s assistant. I dug further, and I think if Anderson is involved in some illegal shit, she may know about it.”
“Rachel?” I ask before I can stop myself.
“I don’t know who that is, but look here,” Snake says, turning the computer screen toward me. “Her name is Abigail Miller.”
Abigail Miller. I stare at the familiar hazel eyes, keeping my face impassive despite the surprise that I feel at seeing her face.Again. She’s seated beside Anderson with her hands folded primly on her lap and her wide sensual lips pulled up in what would pass as a smile, except it doesn’t reach her eyes. Even on screen, those eyes are the most gorgeous color I’ve ever seen.
Anderson and Abigail are flanked on each side by pretty women in similar black stilettos, all gazing at the camera with similar dreary smiles.
She’s the only one in flat shoes. I don’t know how, but that seems to set her apart from the other women whose features seem to blend into one another.
She’s a puzzle that’s starting to intrigue me…bits and pieces that don’t align. It’s like each time our paths cross; I see a different version of her. She’s managed to catch my attention, that's for sure.
“What about her?” I ask casually. “What’s her relationship with Anderson Grey?”
“As I said earlier, she’s Anderson’s personal assistant,” Snake replies. “She’s been working closely with him for the past eight years. She is reportedly the only assistant who has ever worked that long with him.”
But if the woman is Anderson’s assistant, who is Rachel? Why did she introduce herself as Grey’s assistant? Am I missing something?
Something is definitely not right with Anderson Grey’s establishment, and I’m going to get to the root of it – starting with pretty eyes, Abigail Miller.
I don’t know how to feel about the fact that she’s somehow involved in this mess with Anderson…I guess I’ve been thinking about that night at the den more often than I’m willing to accept.
“What the fuck…?” Bone mutters in a low growl, just behind me. I glance back to see that he’s peering intently at the screen over my shoulders with an angry scowl.
“Is there a problem?” I ask Bones.
“I know her,” he says in a thoughtful voice, still looking at the screen like he wanted to rip the image out of the computer and hold it up to his face. “Yeah…she was the bitch from the club.”
“What are you going on about, Bones?” Seer asks, snatching the questions right out of my mouth.
“Fucking bitch,” Bones sneers. His breath flared hot on the back of my neck, indicating his rising ire. “I bet she planted the stuff on me. She was right there. I got into that damn fight because of her. Oh my God, how could I be so stupid? The whole damn thing was a setup. I’m gonna kill this bitch.”
The picture immediately becomes clearer. Abigail Miller is indeed the key to nabbing Anderson Grey.
“Stand down, Bones. I’ll take care of this.”
“But, Prez….”
I raise my hand, immediately cutting off Bone’s protests. “We do it my way.”