Page 47 of Pocus
“Bonjour, ma petite,” I say quietly, my arms tightening reflexively around her. “Did you sleep well?”
“Wh…what’s going on?” she asks softly, blinking in surprise. “Why…why am I in this position?”
My chest clenches in reaction to the huskiness of her voice.
“You slept in my arms, so it’s only natural that you wake up in my arms,” I reply, amused by the genuine confusion in her eyes.
“Are you saying you held me all night while I slept?” she asks with a disbelieving gasp.
“Yes, I did,” I reply with a small shrug.
“Why?” she asks in a small voice.
I smile into her eyes, loving the way she holds my gaze despite the deep crimson blush spreading across her cheeks.
“Because I wanted to,” I reply finally.
She blushes even harder. I’ve noticed that Abigail rarely blushes, but she’s so adorable when she does, like a puppy. But something tells me she wouldn’t appreciate being likened to a puppy. I smile softly at the thought.
“I should…uh…I need to pee,” she says, shifting uncomfortably in my lap.
I chuckle quietly and let her go. She stands and hurries to the bathroom. I wait until she closes the bathroom door behind her before glancing down at the bulge in my pants. I’ve been rock hard from the moment I pulled her into my arms last night, but it seemed insensitive to dwell on my lustful desires when she needed comfort. I tried to keep my mind off the feel of her soft curvy ass against my dick and the soft lines of her full lips, just begging to be kissed senseless.
I’d tried really hard not to think about the temptation in my arms, but that was all I could do…Try. My dick had throbbed all night, begging for relief. Thoughts of pushing into the warm contours of her soft wet folds flashed in my head, making me grow painfully harder.
I absentmindedly wonder if she felt my dick pushing against her ass all night.
Abigail returns to the room and comes to sit beside me on the couch. I notice that she’s put a tentative distance between us this time.
“About last night…,” she clears her throat softly and raises her eyes to meet mine. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” I reply with a small shrug.
“How did you know to come to my room last night?” she asks after a few seconds of tense silence.
I wonder if she’d believe me this time. “I sensed your distress all the way from my room,” I reply, watching her expression.
She smiles softly. “Magic?”
I couldn’t resist a smile myself. “Magic,” I reply simply. “Do you want to tell me what your dream was about? It seemed pretty intense.”
Abigail shrugs uncertainly. “I don’t remember much. It’s like last time, with just a few alterations. I’m in the midst of a thick mist, surrounded by indistinct figures chanting strange words. I can’t see the danger, but I can sense it. It’s like I’ll die if I don’t keep running. It didn’t make much sense, but I remember feeling so scared. I thought I’d never be able to get out of it.”
“I think it has something to do with the hex,” I say thoughtfully. “That’s why the bracelet was shining so bright last night.”
She glances at the bracelet in surprise. “It did? I thought that was another dream.”
“I guess it was blocking the hex’s poison from attacking your body like it did last time,” I explain.
Abigail raises her hand to her face to examine the bracelet on her wrist with a child-like wonder. “Who’d have thought?” She glances at me with an apologetic laugh and shakes her head. “I’m sorry. It’s just…I still can’t believe that all of this is true. If I did…,” she shrugs nervously and lowers her head. “Then, that would mean I’ve been living a lie and…,” she trails off again and shakes her head. “I don’t want to think about that.”
I take her hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze. “That’s okay. You can process things at your pace – or not at all.”
She smiles up at me, her eyes brimming with silent gratitude. “I’m sorry about that,” she says after a while, gesturing at the unrelenting bulge in my pants.
So, she did notice.
It’s my turn to turn red in the face. She can be daring sometimes…but it’s one of the things that I like about her.