Page 49 of Pocus
It’s quite hectic inside the clubhouse with the arrival of a new member from Miami…or is it Vegas? I think I heard someone call him Knix. I didn’t pay much attention to the details. I’d gotten a good look at Knix, though – if that’s his name. Like most members of the clubhouse, he’s quite tall with a well-defined body. He’s got the looks, too, if one likes the typical blonde hair, blue-eyed American cliché.
Everyone seems happy to see him, Pocus especially. My heart skips at the thought of him. I’ve tried to push the thoughts of last night and this morning away from my mind, not wanting to seem like a silly schoolgirl who finally got kissed by her crush. But despite my efforts, the kiss has been on my mind all morning, just waiting to be explored. And now, sitting on this swing and hooked on the picturesque view before me, I can’t help but acknowledge the butterflies in my stomach.
Everything about the kiss was perfect., more than anything I’d ever imagined and experienced. It was short, regrettably so, but impactful nonetheless. He’d branded my lips and upped my expectations for a kiss by a thousandfold. Now, no one could compare…ever again. It makes me wonder how thrilling sex with him would be if I felt so much in one simple kiss. My stomach tightens in jittery anticipation.
If I close my eyes and slowly run my tongue over my lips, I can almost feel the taste of his lips on mine. He tasted like liquor and mint…Heady.
The moment replays in my head, making my body tingle all anew. I crave his lips’ gentle pressure and tongue’s light, teasing strokes. I love the way the strong muscles of his shoulders flexed beneath my palms and the firmness of his arms as he pressed me against his strong chest. I can almost feel the gentle glide of his hair between my fingers… I remember the feel of his unforgiving erection pressed against my thighs, begging to be acknowledged.
He felt so big…
I’d wanted to undo his pants button and just wrap my hands around the hot length of his throbbing manhood. I wanted to tease him while watching his face tighten with desire.
Just the thought is getting me all bothered. My nipples have tightened to little aching pebbles beneath the white cotton shirt I’d carelessly thrown on before leaving my room. I press my thighs together, seeking some form of relief from the mounting ache in my core.
Maybe I shouldn’t have let him go.
He was a gentleman, giving me time to ease into the subtle change in our relationship; we’re no longer an abductor and a hostage…we’re now two full-fledged adults who share an intense passion and attraction. However, these new developments come with responsibilities and the possibility of hurt and betrayal.
Given the circumstances of our meeting and the matters left unsaid, I needed the time to process whether I wanted this or not, and Pocus understood that.
I also understood his hesitation, but maybe I should have given in to the urge to fulfill every one of my bad-boy fantasies with him.
All I needed was one word, and he’d have fucked me like I wanted to be fucked.
It’d be a romp in the sack…nothing serious.
Why does that thought feel so wrong?
Maybe I’m thinking too much about all of this?
One thing is sure, though he’s set my body ablaze with his touch, and now I’m burning with a consuming need that seems to grow bigger with each passing second.
What if I let go and just feel?
“Mademoiselle Abigail?”
I look up to see Seer smiling down at me, his bright blue eyes gleaming with subtle amusement and something else…a knowing expression that makes me want to hide my face and the embarrassing blush that’s spreading across my cheeks. It looks like he’s been watching me for a while, and he seems to know exactly what I was thinking about.
I wonder if that’s one of his powers; reading people’s minds….
“Hey, Seer,” I say as a way of greeting.
Seer gestures to the empty wooden swing beside me. “Can I sit, s’il vous plait?”
“Yes, please,” I reply with a small smile. I guess he’s a welcome diversion from the wild turn that my thoughts had started to take.
Seer and I sit in comfortable silence, each not compelled to distrust the magical calmness in which we’re enshrouded. I can totally see myself making friends with a man like Seer. I love his calm personality and subtle sense of humor. He knows how to get closer to people without intruding into their personal space or getting generally annoying. A feeling of otherworldly comfort and reassurance comes with Seer’s presence. And maybe it’s because of his gifts, but he always seems so wise and…all-knowing?
I clear my throat softly, flashing him a hesitant smile. “Can I ask you a question, Seer?”
“Sure,” Seer replies with an engaging smile. “Anything.”
“Have you always had your gifts?” I ask quietly.
Seer’s expression grows distant, and his smile seems a shade sadder. “I was born with the gift of sight. It’s a generational gift, and I was just the lucky one to inherit it,” he snickers ironically and shakes his head. “At first, I didn’t understand it. I struggled with the visions and their meanings. You know…everyone around me just wanted me to accept it and bow to the universe for its great benevolence. They believed I was lucky, some thought I didn’t deserve the sight. But no one explained to me why I had to see and experience people’s worst moments before they did. Nobody told me not to be scared of being different. I felt burdened for most of my teenage years. I struggled to find my place in the world. I was surrounded by people yet felt so lonely. And then I found Pocus and the Ruthless Kings MC. They took me in, and I finally felt like I belonged in a place for the first time. I understood the true meaning of a home and family. And as time progressed, I realized that being different is completely acceptable. My gift is not a curse but a blessing for which I’m grateful. I can help the MC with my gift and protect the people I care about.” He turned to me with a soft smile, and for a second, I saw the pain and loneliness he’d summarized in such few words. “Some days are still kinda gray,” he says with a small shrug and returns his gaze to the horizon. “But it’s definitely better than where I’m coming from.”
My heart goes out to the man beside me, and I wish I could find the right words to express my empathy. Something tells me that Seer would prefer to take solace in silence.