Page 5 of Pocus
It’s just one of those many nights….
* * *
“Prez! Prez!”
I jerk awake, almost falling off the couch where I must have dozed off. I looked around wildly, wondering if the clubhouse is on fire. Everything seems in order, so I turn back to face Seer with an inquisitive frown. He looks unusually agitated.
“What? What happened?” I ask gruffly.
“Your phone’s been blowing off the roof,” Seer says urgently. “Bones has been arrested.”
“What!” I jump to my feet. “What the hell happened?”
“I’m not sure,” Seer responds. “Something about dealing drugs. He isn’t making much sense.”
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” Graveyard asks, walking into the main room. “What’s this I hear about Bones and drugs?”
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” I say, already halfway to the door. I run outside the clubhouse, Seer, and Graveyard hot on my heels. The heavy sounds of our boots thudding against the hardwood floor creates a frightening synchronization. We each climb on our motorcycles and ride to the police station at neck-breaking speed. The moment we arrive at the station, I barely kill my engine before jumping off my bike.
Bones is in a detention cell, looking partly confused and mostly enraged. He keeps hitting the bars with his fists, asking to be let go immediately. No one pays him any mind despite his loud bellows.
“Prez!” Bone shouts the moment he sets eyes on us. He instantly looks relieved.
I stalk toward him, followed by Seer and Graveyard. “Bones! What the hell happened?”
“I…I don’t know, Prez,” Bones stutters, shaking his head. He looks as confused as I am at the moment. “There was a fight and…and the cops came. I…they found stuff on me. I swear I don’t know how it got there.”
“Fuck!” I muttered, running my hand through my hair in frustration. “You two, stay and try to make sense of his words,” I say to Seer and Graveyard. “I’ll go talk to someone who can clearly tell me what the hell is going on.”
I walk over to the nearest desk. The officer behind the desk seems more occupied in the game he’s playing on his phone than actually fighting crime. I slam my palm on the desk, startling the man out of his wits.
He raises his head and must catch the murderous rage in my eyes because he sits up straighter, loudly clearing his throat. “How may I help you…sir?”
“Can you fucking explain to me why my man is behind those fucking bars?” I say, pinning him with a hard glare.
His dark green eyes narrow with momentary confusion, then his gaze slides to the detention cell where Seer is trying to keep Bones calm.
“Are you talking about him?” the officer asks, gesturing at Bones. “He almost killed a man last night under the influence of heroin.”
“What?” I scoff in disbelief. “Bones doesn’t do drugs. You must be mistaken.”
“I’m afraid not,” the officer replies solemnly. “We ran a test, and heroin was found in his bloodstream. And that’s apart from the stash of weed in his pocket.”
“What the fuck…?” I murmur, running my hand through my hair for the thousandth time in the same hour.
Something is very wrong somewhere…and I better root it out fast.
“Yes!” Snake fist bumps the air and turns to me with a wide grin. “Yo! Come look at this, Prez.”
Snake turns the computer screen toward me. He looks excited despite the grim expressions of the other men in the room. He must have found something good. Sometimes, Snake can be so consumed with the world on his computers to notice anyone around him. We all understand that, but sometimes I wish he’d learn to read the room.
I sigh heavily and lean over to study the picture on the screen with a slight frown. “Who is…?”