Page 22 of Seer
I turn the paper over in my hand with a contemplative frown. “Mama?”
“Bye now, mister,” Harry says in a hurry before sprinting toward the imposing mansion. I watch him disappear behind the house, thinking about home. For a moment, I’m lost in the imagination of what my daughter will be like. I can easily picture the little minx with her Mama’s pretty eyes and resilient spirit. I haven’t even met her, and I love her more than life itself… just as I love her, Mama. My chest constricts tightly at the thought of Abigail.I fucking miss my wife.
I shake my head, willing away the thoughts of home. I look down at the folded paper in my hand, wondering who Mama is between the older Mrs. Abner or the more subdued younger woman.I guess there’s only one way to find out.
I slowly unfold the paper, taking in the sprawling words that seem to have been scribbled in a hurry –
East Ave. alleyway.
Three days’ time. 11:05 pm.
Watch your back.
* * *
Iopen my eyes with a sharp gasp. I blink rapidly at the unfamiliar ceiling above and turn my head to the side to see Hex leaning by the window side, staring at me with a brooding expression–one would think I murdered his beloved cat.
“You’re awake,” he says in an unimpressed tone.
“I…,” I clear my throat loudly to get rid of the scratchiness. “What happened?”
“You blacked out, ma’am,” Graveyard says, walking into the room. He comes to stand by my bed. “Hex rushed you down here a couple of hours ago and you were cold as ice. I ran a couple of tests and they all came out fine, so I guess it’s the stress of keeping vigil by Seer’s bedside all day and night. For now, how do you feel?”
I feel like I’m still in that icy depthless sea from which I’d just escaped in my nightmare, struggling against the tides and fighting for my life. The Azharus’ spell seems more dangerous than the book had presented it.
“I feel good,” I say to Graveyard, managing a small smile. “I guess I just needed some rest.”
Graveyard nods quietly. “That…,” he drawls, gesturing at my bandaged hand, “seems deep. How did you come about it?”
“This?” I ask, raising my hand to my face to admire the neatly wrapped bandage while I think of a convincing lie. There’s a stony expression on Hex’s face. I swallow nervously, returning my gaze to Graveyard. “I… I think I cut myself while preparing herbs.”
Graveyard doesn’t look convinced. He raises his brows at Hex as if to confirm my ridiculous claim.
Hex shrugs uneasily. “I don’t know, man,” he says, “I’m not her nanny.”
Graveyard pauses, considering the situation even handedly, before turning to me with a kind smile. “Anyway, you need to be careful so the wound doesn’t get infected. I need to head back now. I have surgery at the hospital in two hours.”
I wait for Graveyard to close the door behind him before sitting up slowly in bed. “Thanks for bringing me down here,” I say to Hex, but they meet my sincere gratitude with a sullen silence. I wonder if Hex is mad because the spell didn’t work, or if this is just more of the same attitude he’s given me since I showed up. “I’m sorry about the whole thing. I must have done something wrong. The next time, I’ll….”
“The next time?” Hex mutters coldly. “You must be crazy if you think there’s going to be a next time.”
“But we have to try again. It’s the only….”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Hex thunders angrily. He closes his eyes briefly, trying to calm himself, muttering a soft curse under his breath. He takes in a deep breath, turning away from me to look out the window. When he turns back to face me, his eyes hold none of the emotions that had exploded out seconds ago.
“You almost died in there,” Hex says in a calmer tone. “Your body went ice cold, and your eyes… they were dead. And now what? You want to try again? Are you looking for a death sentence or something?” He places his hands on his hips, tilting his head to look me squarely in the eyes. “Tell me, Tory, what’s this really all about?”
I frown up at him in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“This desperation,” hex says with a general hand gesture. “I mean, you barely know Seer, and you’re going to these great lengths for him? Risking your life? Come on. Something’s going on.”
Hex doesn’t have any idea just how right he is. I could come up with a thousand excuses to justify my desperation, as he so aptly put it, but in the end… the fact that I’m willing to try again after a disastrous attempt shows just how much I have allowed myself to get caught up in my greed.
“What if I’m being selfish?” I ask Hex in a quiet tone. “Is that so bad? In the end, it’s either I die, or Seer wakes up. My personal reason doesn’t matter. The way I see it, I’m the one with more to lose.”
Hex scoffs loudly and shakes his head. “Fuck you, Tory,” he says in a defeated tone,almost like he’s done with me.He walks out of the room, leaving me to my frustration and the distorted voices in my head. I let out an amused snort, even as a stray tear slides from the corner of my left eye. I guess I went a little ahead of myself to have such a thing as hope.
I’m my mother’s daughter, after all… How pompous of me to think I’d end up different.