Page 51 of Seer
Mustering all the strength left in me, I pull myself up and fist my hands in his hair. “I want you, Seer,” I whisper in a breathless plea, barely holding myself back from giving in to the encroaching orgasm. “I want to feel you inside of me. Please.”
But with a quick flick of his tongue, I fall apart. I scream his name, my whole body violently convulsing as I become submerged in a wild wave of pleasure. And just then, Seer lifts himself over me, sliding into me in one smooth, all-consuming stroke. I instinctively wrap my legs around him, clinging on to him, as if my life depends on it–maybe it does. We hold on to each other as our bodies and souls mangle into one until we can’t tell either apart. Crying out as one, we tumble together down a deep, fathomless abyss of pleasure.
Hours later, when the euphoria had long disappeared, and all that was left was a sated numbness, Seer still didn’t let go of me. We don’t need words… Our bodies have said it all.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck!” Snake mutters over and over again.
I can almost feel my heart skip to the desperate rhythm of his fibers against the computer keyboards. I look around the room, and everyone has similar expressions of alarm tinged with anxiety. Everyone except Pocus, who’s casually puffing on a cigarette, his face as unreadable as always.
“Fuck!” Snake suddenly screams. He leans back in his chair, running his hands through his hair, his eyes wide open with a mixture of shock and disbelief. “Oh, fuck! I… I can’t fucking do this.”
“What the hell, Snake?” Bones asks irritably. “What do you mean, you can’t do this?”
“Exactly what I said, man,” Snake replies, shaking his head. “The danger is real.”
“What the fuck does that even mean?” Bones shot back. “There ain’t nothing dangerous about moving some cash about. I thought you were a professional hacker.”
“What the hell?” Snake scoffs. “You’d better be grateful I’m a professional, or your ass will be back in a cold cell by morning.”
Bones moved quickly, grabbing the collar of Snake’s cut. He jerks the much smaller man out of his chair, lifting him until his feet are off the ground. “What the fuck did you say to me?”
I glance at Pocus quickly, wondering why he looks so unbothered when two of his men are about to tear each other up right here in the meeting room. I let out a fatigued sigh, muttering all the curse words I could muster before clearing my throat loudly.
“Break it up, guys!” I yell in my most authoritative voice.
Bones lets out a disgruntled grunt but releases Snake, anyway. Snake glares at him with a defiant sniff before returning to his seat.
“Let’s calm down, guys,” I say after the room has settled down again. “I understand everyone is tense and on edge. We’re not criminals, and intentionally using ourselves as money mules for Anderson will definitely take its toll on us. But we are doing this, and we might as well get something out of it.” I turn to look at Snake. “What’s wrong, Snake? Why can’t you continue?”
Snake takes a steadying breath before replying. “The FBI is onto the account that Anderson wants us to move the money from. And if I hadn’t noticed their activity and pulled out as fast as I did, they would have traced my IP address, and the rest would be history.”
“What if you change your computer’s IP address?” I ask with a slight frown.
Snake shakes his head. “It still won’t work. The original plan was to transfer the money from Anderson’s secret offshore account into all the club members’ accounts in bits, then purchase real estate and assets in his name. Even if I intercept the FBI in the first phase, it would be a matter of time before they trace the money to our individual accounts, and they’d be on our asses before you can say ‘Jack Robinson.’”
“So basically, this is mission impossible,” Pocus asks, speaking for the first time since the meeting started. “Is that what you’re saying? You can’t do this?”
And like Pocus intended, Snake hesitates and closes his eyes, his finger hovering tentatively over the keyboard like they always do whenever he’s thinking up a storm. Snake is an exceptionally brilliant hacker who hates to be challenged. He’d rather die than admit failure. Pocus had subtly capitalized on that, and with just a few words, he’s got Snake thinking.
I guess wisdom is just one attribute that makes him an outstanding leader.
“I might have an idea,” Snakes finally says, opening his eyes with a semi-excited smile. He snaps his fingers at no one in particular, brows raised dramatically. “It might be possible if I use cross-chain bridges.”
Graveyard sighs and shakes his head. “What about chains and bridges, Snake? Not all of us speak hacker’s jargon.”
“I mean, I may be able to bypass the FBI if I convert the money into cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin–thin NFT. You name it. Then, I’d send these assets across several blockchains in a way that….”
“Get to work, Snake,” Pocus interrupts coolly.
“Do it, Snake,” Pocus repeats, jabbing his cigarette stub in the air as if to buttress his point. “Do whatever the fuck you need to do to get the job done.”
“Yes, Prez,” Snake says and gets to work while the rest of us wait in silence. It’s not until five hours later that Snake raises his head from the computer with a smug smile aimed meaningfully at Bones. “Done.”
Bones grunts, unimpressed. As for me, I can feel the knots in my stomach start to loosen. I didn’t even know I’d been tense the entire time.