Page 20 of All It Takes
There were so many things to be nervous about. It was all complicated now that I totally had the hots for Wes, and he was a ridiculously good kisser. Gah! I wished he wasn’t so good at it.
Scott, who’d ground my trust under the heel of his boot, had not been too good at kissing. I’d told myself it was worth it anyway. It wasn’t. Not at all.
After I got home, I sent a text to Wes.
Me:Chase has gifted Ross a PlayStation. I’m not that great at video games.
Wes:APlayStation 5?
Me:I had to look at the box to see what you were talking about, but yes. Can you help set it up tonight?
Wes:Of course. I’ll have to come over to your place a lot more to play. I don’t have the PS5.??
Me:Chase told me you can set it up so that Ross can play at your place or mine.
Wes:Yup. I’m going to get Chase’s gaming username. He can play with us.
Me:I think I’m the uncool guardian in this situation.
Wes:Nah, you’re the coolest. You’re a different kind of cool. If you want to learn how to play, I’ll teach you.
Me:I can be a cheerleader, a couch cheerleader. Kind of like an armchair quarterback. Lol!
Wes:Just be you. What kind of pizza do you want?
Me:Pepperoni. They also have this amazing mushroom with smoked mozzarella and spinach. If you think you’ll eat some, get that too. I’m not sure about Ross, though.
Wes:Maybe he’ll be adventurous. I definitely want to try it. See you later.
Our text exchange ended there, although my thumbs itched to keep this back-and-forth going.
It’s just texting. You cannot get hot and bothered over Wes and texting.
But you are, my sly mind pointed out with a little glee.
“Yes!” Tiffany punched her fist in the air, being the couch cheerleader she’d promised.
Ross’s online team was beating mine. I glanced over at her. “Whose team are you on?”
“I want you both to win,” she insisted. “It’s not my fault you guys decided to be on different teams. Since your team isn’t winning, I’m rooting for Ross.”
Ross grinned at her. My character had just died, so I had nothing to do. His thumbs moved rapidly on the controller as his eyes whipped back to the screen. “Let’s be on the same team for the next game.”
“I’m texting Chase. I’m gonna tell him to log in so we can play with him.”
“Chase?” Ross prompted as he executed an expert dive and knocked out one of the other players on my team, which was losing badly at this point.
Tiffany answered. “My brother. The one who gave you this shiny new PS5.”
“Oh right. I didn’t remember that was his name.”
“Hallie said they’d love to have us out for dinner soon. Would that be okay?” she asked.
I glanced over at Tiffany, willing my body not to react, but it was a lost cause. With her dark hair pulled up into a loose knot, she had a few curls dangling around her cheeks and along the nape of her neck. She was wearing glasses tonight, and I was discovering I had a weakness for her in glasses. Sexy as hell.