Page 65 of The Wrong Victim
“Yes. I—There’s a lot to take care of, but my dad was very organized. He already had a plan in place, should something happen to him. I just didn’t think we’d implement it. I thought we’d have time—my dad was healthy and happy. I never thought...” He paused, cleared his throat. “What do you need?”
“We’re pursuing all avenues of investigation,” Catherine said, “and looking at each of the victims to determine if one of them might be a target.”
“The news this morning said the target was West End Charter.”
“They may be, but we haven’t ruled out other possibilities.”
He nodded for her to continue.
“Did your father receive any threats?” asked Catherine. “Any pending lawsuits, hostile perhaps?”
“No. My dad was respected in both business and his personal life.”
“Yet some people were skeptical of his marriage to Madelyn.”
“She’s substantially younger.”
“So?” he repeated.
Justin was a man who had firm control over his emotions and reactions, but he was becoming angry. Subtle, but present.
Kara enjoyed it. She hoped Justin tossed them from the house.
Catherine said, “It’s a motive.”
“Because Madelyn is nearly half my dad’s age, you think she killed him and eight other people. What a sad world you live in, Dr. Jones.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Yes, you did. You said it was a motive. Do not say a word of this to Madelyn. She is barely holding it together, and she’s pregnant with my brother or sister. She’s family. You want the truth? The truth is I had a few doubts about Madelyn at the beginning because I know there are unscrupulous people out there. I’m a lawyer and a businessman, and I deal with a lot of them. But I have always trusted my father. If you knew him, you would trust his judgment as well. Madelyn loves him. I knew it the minute I saw them together, though it took me a few months to accept her. My father is not a fool and is not easily manipulated.”
Catherine didn’t back down. “Did you know that he changed his will?”
“Of course I did. He doesn’t do anything that impacts the family without discussing it with me. He told me about the baby weeks before my sister found out. I was the one who suggested he change his will to protect their child. Because I know Kimberly, and she’s vindictive. Angry. I get it—she was very close to Mom. Our mom died when she was fourteen—that’s a hard time. I miss my mom, of course, but I’ve always been closer to my dad. Kimberly—she just refused to see Madelyn for who she is, but more than that, she refused to accept that our father was capable of making his own decisions.
“No one in the family is left out of the will. My father loved Kimberly just like he did my brother and me. He forgave her for how she treated Madelyn, for how she behaved in private and in public. I’m not as forgiving, but for my dad I will be, provided she grows up. So no one in the family has a financial motive. My brother has a master’s degree in economics and works for the stock exchange. He’s brilliant, makes plenty of money on his own without the need for his inheritance. My father didn’t believe in trust funds, but he gave each of us seed money when we graduated from college to do with as we saw fit. Because Joshua is a mathematical genius, he parlayed his graduation present into a sizable nest egg. Kimberly wasn’t as frugal, but she owns her own business and it’s in the black. Dad bought her a condo in Seattle. As far as me, I work for the family business, I make a salary—a very good salary, but I earn every dime.”
Catherine was not dissuaded. “Madelyn doesn’t work.”
“I don’t understand why you are fixated on her.” He looked at Kara. “You met her. Do you think she could kill nine people in cold blood?”
“I think anyone is capable of murder,” Kara said honestly. “We have to cross off every possibility.”
Catherine tensed next to her, but Justin relaxed, nodded. “I get it. I know how this looks to the outside world, but you didn’t know my dad. I did. He was my hero. Kind, smart, brilliant really. He loved all of us. But he loved Madelyn more than anything. And if you had seen them together, you’d have seen the same thing. My dad had no enemies, no threats, no business deals gone bad. He wasn’t the target, personally or professionally.”
There was a knock on the den door and a woman—as attractive as Justin Jeffries—stepped in. “I’m sorry to disturb you, JJ, but you wanted to talk to Blaine as soon as he called. He’s on Madelyn’s cell phone.”
“Tell him one minute.” He smiled at the woman and they exchanged a look that told Kara they were involved.
She closed the door and Justin said, “That’s my fiancée, Robin. I have to take this call—Blaine O’Malley is my father’s personal lawyer and I know that Madelyn isn’t up to talking about the estate right now, but there are some things that need to be done sooner rather than later.”
“We still need to talk to Madelyn,” Catherine said.
Kara admired Catherine’s ability to remain completely calm and unfazed. Did she recognize that this was a complete waste of time or was she still convinced that Madelyn Jeffries had something to do with her husband’s death?
“All right, but please be kind.”