Page 18 of The C Agreement
“But you already knew that.”
“Not until last night.” He squeezed my fingers. “But don’t worry. I’ll still teach you how to take initiative and what to do when you want something. You won’t always have to wait for my commands.”
My pussy clenched again at the wordcommands. Was I really into being bossed around? Apparently, I was.
“I appreciate that,” I said because once this month was over, I was going to sleep with someone other than Cade. “But I just have one question.”
“What about your cock? Is it mine for a whole month?”
He licked his bottom lip and grinned. “Baby, it’s yours whenever you want it.”
“Even if you’re not in the mood?”
He laughed. “I’m always in the mood for sex.”
Knowing what I knew about him, even before the last two days, I knew he was telling the truth.
“And it goes without saying, you’re the only one who is going to be in my bed this month.”
I bit my lip. “I figured. Otherwise, this morning would have been a waste of time.”
“I just needed to make it clear.”
“I think it also goes without saying that we don’t tell anyone about this,” I said.
His eyes narrowed, which didn’t make sense.
“Unless you want my brother to be pissed at the both of us.”
His face relaxed. “Right. But I don’t know if he’d be pissed at you. Probably just me.”
“Let’s not find out. And Em can’t keep a secret from him, so it just stays between us.”
“Right.” Cade cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.
“Uh-oh. What’s wrong?”
He looked surprised. “Who said anything was wrong?”
“You forget, I know you.”
He looked into my eyes. “So then, you know this is a temporary thing, right, Rayne? You know I don’t do relationships. I don’t even sleep with the same woman twice in a row, much less the same one for a month at a time.” He shuddered.
Tilting my head, I asked, “What about your regulars, as you call them?”
“I don’t sleep with them in a row. I go weeks between seeing the same woman.”
“Must be nice,” I muttered.
“If you put it out there that you wanted to keep men on call for when you were horny, I’m sure you would find plenty.”
Right. I was sure I could find some. Some who weren’t picky about who they slept with. But I wasn’t going to do that.
I lifted my head. I had zoned out for a second.