Page 20 of The C Agreement
Although her impatience might be related to something else that made sex feel less than fulfilling for her. She needed to stop and enjoy the moment.
“We have all day,” I told her. “And we haven’t gotten our results back yet.” I pulled out my wallet and threw some money on the table. “Plus, I need to check on some things at work, and I’d like you to come with me.”
She curled her upper lip. “Work? That really doesn’t sound like fun.”
I shrugged. “I understand. Especially if you have other plans.”
She huffed out a breath. “You were my plans today.”
I liked the sound of that.
She threw up her hands. “Why not? I’ll go with you. I haven’t been to your restaurant in forever.”
It wasn’t my restaurant, and that was the problem. I managed Iron House, but it would never be mine.
I stood. “We’ll take your car to my place, and you can ride to Iron House with me.”
Rayne got to her feet. “Does this mean I can put my underwear on?”
* * *
As soon as we walked into Iron House, the employees bombarded Cade. Since it was the middle of the afternoon, between the lunch crowd and the dinner crowd, there weren’t many customers, but plenty of staff.
With each person approaching him with a problem, he calmly gave them instructions, answered their questions, or told them he’d look into it and get back to them.
Just like Friday night, this was a side of him I hadn’t seen before.
I’d been to Iron House to eat maybe once in my life. The food was good but expensive, and in my opinion, I could get good food and spend much less money elsewhere. I made a decent income as an attorney for Hennepin County, but I wasn’t rich.
With a hand on my back, Cade ushered me toward the beautiful oval-shaped hardwood bar that was centered in the middle of the restaurant. A woman looked up from the wineglass she was wiping and smiled.
“Sit here with Fallon for a few minutes. I need to go check on something in the kitchen. I’ll be back.”
“I’ll be here,” I said, but he was already walking away.
With a sigh, I pulled out the leather barstool and sat.
“He’s busier than usual today,” Fallon said, studying me.
“I noticed.” I looked in the direction he’d gone even though I couldn’t see him anymore. “I kind of wish I had turned down his invitation to come along. I’m probably in the way, and there are definitely things I could be doing at home.” Like not thinking about sex.
“I haven’t seen Cade bring women to the restaurant before. You must be special.” She set the glass down. “Is there anything I can get you to drink?”
It was my turn to study Fallon. Was she curious or jealous? Or maybe she was simply making conversation with the stranger sitting in front of her because she was a bartender.
“Whatever is easiest for you,” I told her.
She didn’t need to go out of her way to cater to me.
She shrugged, pulled out a glass, and filled it with water.
After she slid it in front of me, I said, “I’m not special. I’m old friends with Cade. I’m Rayne, by the way.”
“I don’t know about not special. He’s never brought a woman to work before.”