Page 6 of The C Agreement
“I suck in bed,” she blurted out.
“Really? You’re going to make me say it again?”
I shook my head. I’d heard her the first time. “I guess I don’t understand.”
Breaking eye contact, she muttered, “Brett and I broke up because he said that he would rather fuck a dead fish than me.” Her cheeks turned bright red.
My body was also heating up, but for an entirely different reason. “What the fuck?”
Rayne jumped as her eyes flew back to mine. “Shh…I don’t need anyone to know about this. I haven’t even told any of my friends.” Dropping her head in her hands, she said, “It’s so humiliating.”
I tugged on her wrists. “No, it’s not.”
She shot me adon’t be ridiculouslook. “If I were eighteen, sure, but I’m almost thirty. I should know what I’m doing in bed.”
Not if she’d had lousy-ass lovers.
But saying that out loud wasn’t going to lessen her embarrassment, so I just told her the truth. “What an asshole.”
“Yes. But also, no.”
“There is nonoabout it.”
She lifted a shoulder. “If he hadn’t told me, then I wouldn’t have known I needed to fix it.”
I ground my teeth together. One person’s opinion didn’t make it fact.
“But that’s where my idea comes in.”
“What idea?”
She chuckled, and I was happy to see something other than despair on her face.
“My idea. For the bet.”
My brow furrowed. “What does one have to do with the other?”
Oh shit.
Don’t say it.
Please don’t say—
“I'll have sex with you for the month—no strings attached—and in turn, you can help me become a better lover.”
She said it.
She bit her lip again when I didn’t say anything. “What do you think? You’ll get your restaurant, and I’ll get better in bed.”
* * *