Page 75 of The C Agreement
Rayne’s head lifted from where she’d been typing away on her laptop on her couch. “Why?” She scrunched up her nose. “Is there something happening that you wish you could go do tonight? Just tell Beau. He owes you after canceling last week. I’m sure he’d be game to do whatever you want.”
Later that night, I was going to meet up with my best friend and take him up on the rain check he’d offered me last week when he ditched me to hang out with his in-laws. But my birthday statement had nothing to do with anything happening in the area tonight.
I lowered my gaze and licked my lips. “If it were my birthday, would you give me whatever I wanted?”
She chuckled. “Yes. Because I already do that.” Her eyes flicked to her computer and back to me. “Just give me thirty more minutes.”
A slow smile of satisfaction spread across my face. “Good. Because I want you to sit on my face.”
She blinked a few times, as if in shock, and then she snapped out of her stupor and swung her legs to the floor. “That would be a no.”
Closing her laptop, she stood and headed for the kitchen.
Uncertain of her mood and not wanting her to walk away without talking about it, I snagged her arm as she tried to walk past me. “Rayne, I know you have this hang-up in your head, but I want to help you get past it. I want to show you what you’re missing.” I had just a little over a week left, and I wasn’t going to consider myself the best teacher I could be if I didn’t get to show her how much she’d love riding me. And letting me eat her out in that position.
With her lips in a flat line, she huffed. “I can’t believe you’re even talking about this.”
“Why? You know I love your pussy.” I rubbed my thumb over her wrist. “If I haven’t told you, it’s the best I’ve ever tasted, and I’ve tasted a—”
“I know, Cade.” Her cheeks reddened. “And while I appreciate that you like that about me, that is not the reason.”
“Because you don’t like the way it makes you feel? I just told you, I want to help you move past that.”
Her brow lifted, and her eyes went wide. “You are infuriating, you know that?”
“She said without any conviction in her voice,” I said with a grin.
She was trying not to smile, which was my goal. I wanted her relaxed, so she could realize that being on top might not bother her as much as she thought it would, if she would just give it a try with me.
“If I sit on your face, I will smother you. And normally, that idea horrifies me, but right now, it’s looking rather tempting.”
I tugged her into my arms, and she squeaked when she landed on my lap. “Then, I will die a happy man.Here lies Cade Nichols. He died doing what he loved most.”
Rayne busted out laughing. “You are horrible. Also, I would never be able to look your mother in the eye again.”
Sliding her laptop from her arm and putting it on the end table next to me, I nuzzled her ear. “Can I tell you something?”
“If I say no, are you going to tell me anyway?”
“Fine. Tell me then.” Her voice was filled with fake annoyance.
“You haven’t even noticed that you’ve been sitting on my lap for about a minute now.”
Prepared for her escape, I clamped my arms down when she tried to get up.
“You tricked me, you butthead.”
“No. I showed you that I can andwantto handle all of you.”
She stopped struggling, and I thought for sure I had her seeing things my way when her phone rang.
She looked at her smartwatch and pushed at my hands. “It’s my brother.”
“Shit.” I instantly released her.
She picked up her phone from the coffee table, took a deep breath, and answered, “Hello?”