Page 32 of The P Arrangement
“I know, but I didn’t need you to do even more favors for me.”
My sister was already watching my kid for three and a half days. I didn’t need her to load three children in the car and drive me all the way there.
“And Dad would’ve had to take time off work. Plus, I get in on Sunday evening around dinnertime. This way is just easier.”
She gestured toward her driveway. “So, you used a rideshare?”
I glanced over my shoulder. Preston had put his window up, and the sun glared off it, making it hard to see who was behind the wheel.
Just as I was about to tell her a friend was giving me a ride, Paxton ratted me out. “Tat’s Daddy’s truck.”
Natalie’s jaw dropped open. “What the fuck, Delaney?”
“Natalie, not in front of Paxton.”
I knew he’d probably heard Preston and me swear before, but I was trying to avoid doing it around him until he was a little older and didn’t repeat everything adults said.
She looked down at her nephew. “Paxton, don’t say the word Auntie Natalie just said.”
“Okay.” He looked at me and grinned. “What da fut?”
“Nice, Natalie. You just made it forbidden and therefore exciting.”
“He’ll forget it in a few minutes. Unlike me.”
With a sigh, I knelt down. “Give Mommy a hug.” I chose to ignore the swearing since she was probably right about Paxton forgetting.
He threw his arms around me.
“I love you.”
“Wuv you too.”
“Daddy loves you too.”
“I know.”
I kissed his cheek, laughing as I let him go. “Go find your cousins and play. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”
“Okay. Bye, Mommy.” Paxton took off, leaving me alone with my sister.
Slowly, I stood, knowing I was going to get a lecture.
“When you asked me to watch Paxton an extra day because your ex-husband was going out of town, you didn’t tell me it was to the same place you were going.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Heisgoing to Vegas too, right? Otherwise, you’d better have a good reason why you’re with him right now.”
Thank God she didn’t know about last weekend.
“Yes, he’s also going to the law conference. You know, because he’s also a lawyer. After I asked him to trade weekends, I found out he was attending. We didn’t plan this trip together.” Not really anyway.
She eyed me suspiciously. “Yet you had to ask me to watch Paxton for him.”
I couldn’t tell her he’d changed his schedule around to go earlier.
“Yeah, because Madison was going to watch him. And it was either you or Preston’s mother.”
Guilt hit me for lying to my sister, but I knew she would understand me not wanting his mom to babysit. The other night, when Preston was at dinner, was one thing, but over twenty-four hours was another. I didn’t trust his mother to feed him or make sure he didn’t hurt himself.
Natalie rolled her eyes. “Okay, that makes sense.” She pointed a finger at me. “But it still doesn’t explain why you’re driving to the airport together.” She picked up one of my hands as her face went from angry to concerned. “Delaney, I remember all the nights you cried when you thought no one was looking. I don’t want you to get hurt again.”