Page 8 of The P Arrangement
I stood, and without thinking, I opened up the linen closet and pulled out a towel like I’d done a million times before. As I closed the door, I wondered if I should have asked first, but at the same time, it seemed silly to ask when Paxton needed a towel and I knew where they were.
I mentally shrugged. It was too late now.
“Okay, buddy, it’s time to get out.”
Paxton looked up at me with all the confidence of a toddler. “No.”
“Yes,” I said, using a sterner voice.
He looked at his father and back at me. “No.”
I counted to ten because I knew he was tired. Arguing with him never got me anywhere when he was sleepy, but it was hard to not show my frustration. I was exhausted too.
Preston pushed himself off the counter. “Paxton, it’s time to get out.”
He looked his father right in the eye. “No.”
Preston and I exchanged glances, and I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was.What the hell are we going to do with him?
I had to purse my lips so I didn’t laugh.
Being a single parent could be hard, and it was nice to know I wasn’t alone, especially when it came to the same kid.
Facing our wayward child, I shrugged and said in my best nonchalant voice, “Okay, you have fun here.” I hung up the towel on the rack. “I’m going to go read Daddy a bedtime story since you would rather stay in the tub.”
Preston made a sound beside me, but when I turned to him, he was already acting for Paxton’s benefit. “Ooh, I love bedtime stories.” He rubbed his hands together. “Let me go grab a book.”
“No.” Paxton scrambled up. “I get story.”
I pretended to not understand. “Does this mean you want to get out?”
“Yes.” His little brow furrowed.
“Oh, okay.”
I pulled the towel from the rack, and when Paxton spun around for me to wrap it around his back, Preston gave me a fist bump.
I had to hide my smile from Paxton when he turned back around. Thankfully, he was too focused on getting out of the bathtub and putting his pajamas on to realize he wasn’t the one who’d won.
His father and I walked him to his room.
“Okay, buddy, give Mommy a hug and kiss so you can lie down.”
I still hadn’t talked to Preston about switching weekends, but Paxton needed to go to bed. And I was beginning to think it would be easier to take my sister up on her offer to watch him. Preston and I had gotten along tonight. I didn’t want to ruin that by asking for a favor.
Paxton frowned. “Read story, Mommy.” Unlike in the tub, his voice was sad and confused.
“Daddy’s going to read you a story.” I got down on my haunches and took his hands. “Mommy’s going to read you a story when I see you on Sunday.”
He let go of my hands and wrapped his little arms around my neck. “No, Mommy. Read story to me and Daddy.”
Oh man.How was I supposed to resist him when he was being so adorable?
Wrapping my arms around him, I hugged him tight. “Mommy—”
“Will read a story to both of us. And then Daddy will read a story to you and Mommy,” Preston said.
I looked up at him and mouthed,Are you sure?