Page 37 of Priceless Kiss
“Well, good luck learning anything,” Lulu says, clearly happy to gossip. “He’s quite the mystery. Lots of journalists want the scoop on him, but the most that anyone knows is that he’s got tons of money, a string of women, and a cutthroat reputation in business.”
“That’s it?” I ask, disappointed. “No one knows anything else about him?”
“If they do, they’re not talking.” Lulu shrugs. “Not that I can blame them. I wouldn’t want to cross a man like him either. He’s kind of scary, don’t you think?”
“I like a powerful man,” I declare, and she giggles.
“Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed either!”
It’s amazing how much of an open book Lulu is, but I’m glad. Even just learning that he’s a fiercely private man is helpful. It reenforces my resolve to use my body to get close to him. It might be my only way in.
“How long have you been looking into him?” I ask casually. My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I don’t even take it out this time. I’m sure it’s Seb again, and I’m not ready to talk to him.
“Oh, I’m not really investigating him, or anything like that,” Lulu says. “I’m just curious. Everyone is,” she adds. “I mean, he’s one of the most powerful men in the finance world. Plus, it’s all so tragic, what happened with his father.”
I perk up. “What happened?”
“You don’t know?” Lulu looks surprised.
“I mean, I know he passed away, when Sebastian was younger.” I say quickly.
“It was so sad. Car crash,” she says. “He ran the car off the road, straight into a lamppost.”
“That’s awful,” I agree. “Was Sebastian hurt?”
Lulu shakes her head. “He wasn’t there.”
“Oh. Still, awful,” I agree, making a mental note to dig into it more.
“Aside from that, it’s just the usual playboy stuff with Seb,” Lulu continues. “Yachts, and racetracks, and—” her eyes suddenly bug out of her head, looking at something behind me.
I turn, just as Sebastian saunters over to our table.
What the hell?
He looks angry until he takes in the sight of me sitting with someone else. That makes him change his features to a pleasant smile as he reaches us.
“Avery, darling,” he says as he reaches us. “I thought that was you I saw when I drove by. Hi there,” he adds, smiling at Lulu.
“Hi,” she breathes.
“We were just grabbing some lunch,” I say brightly, wondering how on earth he happened to find me.
“Making friends already? How nice.” Sebastian gives me a steely gaze, then reaches out his hand. “I’m Sebastian Wolfe.”
“Lulu Sharp. Nice to meet you.”
They shake hands, and to anyone looking on, it would seem like a perfectly normal interaction, but I know he’s studying her, trying to figure out who she is.
“Well, as much as I hate to drag Avery away, we have somewhere we need to be,” Sebastian continues.
“Really?” I say. “I’m still eating.”
“I’ll have my chef make you make something at home. Come on.”
There’s no room for argument. I can see that in his eyes. He’s going to drop this charming act any second, which will make things awkward and possibly scare Lulu away from me. I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to learn more from her, so I decide to let him win this one.
“You know what? He’s right,” I say to Lulu with an apologetic smile. “I forgot that I have somewhere to be. I’ll see you soon, I hope?”