Page 44 of Priceless Kiss
Becca looks at the painting pointedly.
“It’s so pretty, isn’t it?” I beam, stroking over the surface like that’s what I was doing here all this time.
“Yes, it is,” Becca says coolly. “Very delicate too.”
“I hope I didn’t damage it,” I say, acting concerned. “I was just curious about the artist. I didn’t see a signature on the front, so I thought I’d check the back.”
Glancing at the painting as I speak, I can clearly see the signature there in the corner, but it’s the best explanation I can come up with. I’m just glad that she didn’t see me snooping through the wall panels. That would have been a tiny bit harder to explain.
“I love your belt!” I blurt, trying to change the subject. “Where did you get it? It’s so striking.”
“It’s Gucci,” Becca replies. She’s glancing around, like she’s trying to figure me out, so I paste on my brightest, most innocent smile.
“Oh, amazing. The shopping here in London is supposed to be incredible. Maybe you can recommend some places for me to check out.”
“I don’t have much time for shopping,” she says, more than a little condescending. “I have a stylist pick things out for me.”
“Right, girlboss, I get it.” I beam.
“Well, some of us have to work for what we want,” she says, her eyes sweeping over me again. “I’ve worked hard to make it into this office. Nobody held the door open for me.”
Ouch. Clearly, Becca thinks I’m just another pampered trophy spending Sebastian’s black credit card. Which, to be fair, I am. But I notice how she delivers her comments with a friendly smile, never risking offending the boss’s girlfriend.
Smart woman, I think. She’d be surprised to learn we have a lot in common.
Sebastian enters—and then looks surprised, as if he’s already forgotten I was here. “All set?” I ask him. “Becca here has just been talking fashion with me, isn’t that right?”
Becca manages a smile. “Did the Sullivan files get to you?” she asks Sebastian, already ignoring me.
He nods, dragging a hand through his hair. “They’re a mess, and the draft contracts aren’t much better. I’ve called them all in, and I’ll personally be going point-by-point until they get it right this time.”
His gaze flicks over to me. “You should head back to the house. I’ll be here for the rest of the day.”
I try to hide my relief. “OK,” I say pleasantly, instead. “The weather’s so nice, I think I’ll take another walk, get to know the city a little.” Then, with superhuman control, I add: “I’ll call to check in later, let you know where I’m heading.”
Sebastian looks surprised—and pleased that I’m agreeing to his demands. “That sounds fine,” he agrees, strolling over. He kisses me on the cheek, and then murmurs in my ear. “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
I want to slap the smug look off his face, but instead, I just smile. “See you later. Bye Becca,” I add, turning to leave. She’s still looking at me like she’s trying to solve a puzzle, and I make another mental note to be careful around her.
She could be trouble for me.
I leave the office,taking a meandering route towards the Thames, and soaking in the city around me. The sleek office buildings give way to more historic streets, until I find a Riverwalk path, which gives me a view of all the tourist sites: London Bridge, Big Ben, the London Eye… There are tons of people out, snapping photos, and hustling on their way to work. With so much to see and do, I find myself wishing I wasn’t alone.
I’ve been walking for an hour, when I spot a kiosk selling newspapers and magazines. They also have a few electronics, and I buy a burner phone with cash. It’s been too long since I checked in with Nero, and I know I can’t risk calling from the cellphone Sebastian gave me.
If he can track it, I’m guessing he can log my calls and texts, too.
It takes a little time to set the thing up, but when I do, I find a spot overlooking the water and dial Nero’s number. He answers on the first ring.
“It’s me.” I exhale, just hearing a familiar voice. A voice sounding like home.
“Fuck, Avery. I haven’t heard from you in damn near a week.”
“It’s not easy to get away to make a call. Sebastian is always watching.”
Even now, I glance around, making sure nobody can hear me.