Page 63 of Priceless Kiss
I don’t reply. Everything Richard is saying is true, but I wonder why he’s telling me. Is it just more ‘friendly advice’ like Becca was giving me back in the city, or is Richard trying to put a wedge between me and Sebastian?
It’s like nobody in his life has a good word to say about him.
But am I really surprised about that?
Trudy returns with groceries,and Sebastian finishes his calls. Soon, we’re all seated for dinner in the grand dining room, on either side of a massive concrete table that could seat two dozen people.
“So, Avery, I want to hear all about you.” Trudy beams, over the roast beef. “Tell me everything, where did you grow up? What about your family? What brings you to England?”
I take a long sip of wine to get my story straight. “Well, I grew up in upstate New York…” I begin.
It’s harder than I thought it would be to remember everything about my false identity—plus be tactful about how I met Sebastian, too, and there are a few times when I’m slow to answer as my mind frantically sorts the truth from the fabricated story, but I don’t think anyone notices.
“And how are you liking London?” Richard asks.
“It’s great. I go out exploring every day.”
“And what is it you do, exactly?”
Plot to destroy your son—when I’m not orgasming around his skilled fingers and tongue.
I flush. “Mostly just shopping and going to the spa or salon,” I say with a little giggle. “I’ve done a little sightseeing too.”
“Has Sebastian taken you to the London Eye? I hear that tourists love it.”
I try to imagine Sebastian out with a ‘I heart London’ T-shirt, and stifle a grin. “Actually, he’s been busy with work, so…”
“Ah,” Richard cuts in, smiling in a smug way. “That’s not surprising. It’s tough to run a business like Wolfe Capital, especially the way things are at the minute.”
“What do you mean?” Sebastian’s voice is crisp.
“Just that these are uncertain economic times.” Richard sips his wine. “A place like Wolfe needs a steady hand at the tiller, to keep the troops in line.”
“You’re rather mixing your metaphors, aren’t you?” Sebastian shoots back.
Richard chuckles. “You know what I mean. It’s a bad time to be taking big risks.”
“And if my father had followed your advice to play it safe, he never would have started the company. So, I rather think risk-taking is in the Wolfe DNA.OurDNA, anyway.”
There’s a moment of heavy silence before Trudy changes the subject. “I’m thinking of redecorating the kitchen!” she announces brightly. “What do you think about green tile? I saw some gorgeous ones, handmade in Provence, and they have the most exquisite ranges, too…” She chatters on, acting so natural, as if she has to redirect the conversation like this all the time.
I just focus on my food, but I can feel the coiled irritation radiating from Sebastian at my side. Even as Trudy engages everyone in polite conversation, there’s a heaviness in the air that makes me eager to get away from the table.
Talk about family dysfunction.
Finally, the meal comes to an end. “Nightcap, anyone?” Trudy asks.
“No. Thank you.” Sebastian replies, getting to his feet. “It’s been a long day. We’re turning in.”
I guess we are.
“Thank you for dinner,” I say to his mom, before following Sebastian to the stairs. He pauses.
“You go ahead. I have more calls. I’ll be up shortly.”
The room we’re staying in is large and airy, with a modern ensuite. I get changed into a silky nightgown and matching robe and wait for him.
But he doesn’t come.