Page 23 of Priceless Secret
“It’s nice of you to join us,” Richard says, “I would hate to see you disappoint your mother. Again.”
“Well, you know how it is,” Sebastian replies casually. “I’m running a business. There’s always a mess to clean up these days, what with all the interference going on. People sticking their noses where they don’t belong.”
Double ouch.
Richard’s smile gets stiff. “I would think you’d appreciate the help. Wolfe Capital is a big responsibility. A legacy to live up to.”
“Yes. Myfather’slegacy.” Sebastian says, brittle.
“Among others,” Richard is quick to reply.
I glance back and forth, tracking every barbed comment and sign of tension. I feel like I should have popcorn right now, for the show these men are putting on for me.
“That’s right,” Sebastian says, scornful. “There is your brief tenure to think about. Funny how many poor decisions can be made in such a short period of time. Did you know, darling, that my uncle ran the company for a while?”
I look innocent. “Really?”
“Of course, ‘ran’ is being generous,” Sebastian continues. “The only thing he did was almost drive it into the ground before I took over.”
“I was a steady hand,” Richard replies, sounding angry.
“You played it safe,” Sebastian shoots back, almost mocking. “But that was always the difference between you and my father, wasn’t it? He was willing to take risks, and make his own name, instead of riding on the coattails of somebody else’s?”
“And how did that work out for him? I don’t see him here tonight, do you?”
I blink at the insult. “I’m starving!” I blurt, quickly interrupting. I place a hand on Sebastian’s arm, feeling the tension coiled in his muscles. “Let’s go get something to eat.”
Sebastian doesn’t move.
“Baby?” I coo, tugging gently. “Let’s not make a scene,” I murmur softly. Sure enough, people are glancing over, clearly reading the body language, even if nobody can hear their conversation.
Sebastian gives an abrupt nod. “Fine.”
I flash a fake smile at Richard, and steer Sebastian away. “Well, he’s a fucking asshole,” I curse cheerfully, leading Sebastian to a quiet spot, away from the crowd.
He looks at me, then barks a surprised laugh. “I can’t believe you just said that.”
“Well, he is.” I shrug. “I know he’s family, and all, but still…”
Sebastian seems to relax a little at that. His gaze sweeps over me and turns appreciative. “I like this dress,” he says, tracing the low neckline.
“Good.” I smile back at him. “You paid for it.”
“Worth every penny,” he says immediately. “Buy ten more.”
I laugh. “You know what else you bought today?” I say, dropping my voice. “The lingerie I’m wearing underneath.”
I’m expecting that to put all thoughts of his family firmly out of mind, but instead, Sebastian gives me a thoughtful look. “Are you trying to distract me?”
“What could you possibly need distracting from?” I ask lightly. “This lovely, not-at-all weird party, full of your close friends, and beloved family, that you clearly adore?”
He snorts with laughter. “How long do you think we need to stay?” he asks, draping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close.