Page 37 of Priceless Secret
“No, it’s the opposite.” She explains. “If he’s no longer with the force, he has no reason to lie to us. He’s already got his pension; he’s got nothing to lose.Ifthere was anything more going on with this crash, then he’s your best shot to get the unvarnished truth.”
I like the way she thinks.
“What should I do next?” I ask, torn between hope—and more guilt, that I’m digging up these painful old ghosts.
“Nothing.” Charlie sees my surprise. “From what I gather, you’re not really in a position to go asking questions and digging up dirt, not with your busy social calendar,” she adds lightly. “Sit tight and wait to hear from me. I’ll find the guy and figure out your next move.”
I nod. “OK. And… Thanks. I really appreciate the help.”
Charlie gives me a look. “I owe Nero a couple of favors. Let’s just say… He’s helped me out of a scrape or two.”
“He’s good that way.”
I get up to leave, but Charlie catches my arm. “Listen, I know I said I don’t need to know the why, and I meant that. But… Sebastian Wolfe has a reputation,” she says, giving me a careful look. “If he’s got something buried, it’s buried for a reason. And men like that… They’ll do anything to protect their secrets.”
I swallow hard.
“Thanks for the warning,” I say, managing a smile. “But I know what I’m doing.”
As I leave the café,I wonder if that’s the truth. A couple of months ago, my mission seemed so clear. Now, it’s growing more complicated by the day, clouded by questions—and my own traitorous desire for Sebastian.
But it’s not just desire anymore…
As much as I hate to admit it, a deeper connection is forming between us, the more time I spend with him.
I had a chance to walk away, but for some reason I still don’t understand, I didn’t.
The questions linger for the rest of my day. I walk for hours, dropping into a little bookstore, and spending time in some of my favorite London neighborhoods. I’m killing time, I know, until finally I head back to the house, my anticipation already growing.
Knowing I’ll see Sebastian again.
When I get back, I hear his voice, coming from the office. I kick off my shoes, and pad down the hallway towards it.
His door is open, and I can see him sitting at his grand desk, reviewing paperwork with a look of total focus on his face.
Is it muscle memory that makes my stomach flip a little, watching him there? He’s stripped off his jacket and loosened his tie, the sleeves of his white button-down shirt rolled up to reveal his tanned, strong forearms.
He glances up and sees me lingering in the doorway. “There you are,” he says, pushing his hair back in a tired gesture. “Did you have a good day?”
“Mhmm,” I give a vague murmur.
He beckons to me. “Come sit down a minute.”
“Aren’t you busy?”
“It can wait.”
I slowly enter the office. He sits back, and gestures for me to sit on his lap, so I go to him, trying to ignore how familiar it already feels to nestle against his body, his arms encircling me.
“Long day crushing your enemies?” I ask, keeping my voice light, so the bitterness that’s always hiding beneath my surface doesn’t slip out.
But Sebastian gives a hollow laugh. “Not today. We’ve been doing a forensic audit of the whole damn company since Becca left.”
I remember just in time to act surprised. “She’s gone?” I ask. “I thought she was your trusty right hand.”
“Yeah, well her hands were dipping into accounts that they didn’t belong.” Sebastian’s voice is bitter. “After everything we’d been through, the opportunities I gave her…” He shakes his head. “I guess everyone has their price.”