Page 44 of Priceless Secret
I lean back in my chair and arch an eyebrow at Richard, summoning my best ‘trophy girlfriend’ vibes.
“Well, you’re right,” I give an exaggerated sigh. “Sebastian may be cunt-struck, but clearly, I can’t fool an intelligent man like you,” I add, managing to keep a straight face, even as Richard preens. “And yes, of course I’ve been researching the company. A woman has to do her due diligence. After all, landing a whale like Seb is no good if he’s about to go down to some massive scandal. I mean, a girl must look out for her own interests, you know? I don’t want my hard work to go to waste.”
Richard’s smile widens, clearly buying my act. “You’ve been thorough.”
“Duh,” I roll my eyes. “My friend, Kiersten? She putyearsinto snaring this Greek shipping tycoon. Lost thirty pounds, waxed every last inch of her body, even learned to do, well, I won’t go into it, but let’s just say his tastes in the bedroom were pretty specific. Pervert. But hell, it paid off, she got the rock, the gorgeous wedding in Capri, and then, boom: Six months later, the IRS grabbed him. Confiscated all his assets! Even the smallest villa in Monaco.” I sigh, shaking my head. “Now they’re tied up in legal action, the divorce is taking forever… Such a waste. All her effort was for nothing.”
“What a tragedy,” he says dryly.
“It was!” I protest. “Look, a girl is only this young and tight for so long. I need to lock something down before I turn twenty-five, and, well, if Sebastian’s a walking liability, I need to know sooner rather than later, before I’ve used up my best, most attractive years.”
The server brings our food, and I decide to stay in character. “Umm, excuse me?” I remark, sounding bitchy. “Is this cheese?”
“Um, yes.”
“I’m lactose intolerant. And I thought the vegetables would be steamed, not sautéed. Take it back.”
Sorry, I sent silently, as she disappears with my food.I’ll tip, I promise.
But clearly, my performance is convincing Richard where it counts, because he takes a bite of his food, then sits back, openly assessing me.
“You know, I have to admit that I’m rather impressed by your efforts,” he says. “There are lots of women out there who are drawn to the kind of money and power our family has, but no one has gotten so close. You have some kind of hold over Sebastian, I can tell. An enterprising woman like you will go far… and even further if I help you,” he adds meaningfully.
“How do you mean?” I sip my wine, waiting for him to reveal himself.
“Well, like I said, those photographs could be a problem for you,” Richard goes on, looking smug again. “We both know they’re perfectly innocent, but Sebastian might jump to the wrong conclusions. On the other hand, having an ally in the family could certainly make life easier for you. Invitations, reassurance, certain information not available to outsiders… Of course, information flows both ways.”
Of course it does.
“Why would you help me?” I ask, playing dumb.
“I like your spirit,” he replies. “And God knows, my nephew could use some interests outside of work. I do worry about him,” he adds. “Slaving away at that company 24/7. You should help him unwind. Take a break from work more often.”
Sure. So he can move in and undermine Sebastian.
“So, why don’t we agree to be friends?” Richard continues, moving in for the kill. “You know, you can always come to me with anything worrying that you find about Sebastian and the business. I can help him. Protect him. And help you in the process.”
I want to laugh. As if I could trust this manipulative, backstabbing bastard. I don’t like the power balance between us. In this case, it skewswaytoo much in his direction.
“I could do that,” I say, pretending to think about it. “But reporting back to you seems so complicated. Maybe I should just go straight to Seb and tell him about this meeting. It’ll surely win me his loyalty if I expose you as going behind his back like this.”
Richard’s smile drops. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Avery. You should know by now that you need allies. After all, you’ve seen just what Sebastian is capable of. Your time in Larkspur was just a taste of it.”
Shock makes me go rigid, and I stare at Richard with wide eyes.
“You knew I was there? Why didn’t you do something?”
Richard shrugs, and I feel my stomach flip. This guy is just as bad as Sebastian.
A monster.
“It wasn’t my problem, and I’m a careful man,” he replies, careless. “And I’m sure it was a good lesson for you. I think you know now that Sebastian is not a man to be messed with. You would be wise to take my offer of friendship—and protection.”
I don’t believe for a moment that I’d be any safer allying myself with him, than going after Sebastian alone.
But Richard doesn’t need to know that.