Page 74 of Priceless Secret
I met with her last week and told her everything I learned about the accident. I even included the cellphone recording I took the night that Sebastian admitted he was driving the car and caused the crash that killed his father. I can see that she quoted it several times in the article.
“It’s perfect.” I say, lowering the page. “The truth will finally come out.”
“Are you sure about this?” Lulu asks, looking at me warily. “A bombshell like this… It’s going to make waves. Sebastian’s reputation will be ruined, and he might face criminal charges, too.”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“You wanted a real scoop, didn’t you?” I talk over her protest. “Well, here it is. It’ll make your career. So maybe just ask fewer questions and be happy with your promotion.”
Lulu looks at me, shock and confusion on her face. But then she slowly nods, just like I knew she would. “You don’t have long,” she says, checking her phone. “The article will go live online at nine, British time. So whatever you’re planning now… Make the most of it.”
“Oh, I will.”
I flash a smile, and then leave her, heading back out to the party. It’s in full swing as I return, and Sebastian is just getting onstage with the band, gesturing for silence.
“Speech!” someone in the crowd calls, and everyone laughs, and hushes to listen.
“I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight,” Sebastian begins, looking out at the crowd. “First of all, this party was planned by Avery, so let’s give her a hand for such a wonderful event.”
There’s more applause, and I just wave at everyone, trying to look a little shy.
“But you know, she’s done more than that,” Sebastian continues. “Over the last couple of months, this woman has changed my life. She’s opened my eyes to what happiness is, and I love her for that. I never thought I’d find someone to be a true partner in life, but that’s what she’s become to me.”
Someone’s phone sounds thePINGof an alert. Sebastian pauses but keeps talking. “Now, it may seem out of character for me to host a party like this, but it was important to us to share this event—”
Beep. Beep.
All around me, people’s phones start going off. A whisper grows, spreading through the room. It turns to a hum, shocked and scandalized, as people read their messages, and look back at the stage with horror in their eyes.
This is it.
Sebastian keeps going for a moment, trying to give his speech in earnest despite the fact that so many people are distracted. Then, one of his PR clambers awkwardly onto the stage, and tugs his sleeve urgently. “What is it?” Sebastian’s annoyed demand echoes through the microphone, before she pulls him away, and shows him her cellphone screen.
I can’t resist watching his face as he reads the article. It doesn’t take him long.
He looks up, slack-jawed. Searching the crowd until he finds me. I can see the confusion in his eyes—and the questions there, as he looks at me.
I raise my glass of champagne glass in his direction, and smile before taking a sip.
Victory tastes sweet.
Realization dawns on his face, followed by disbelief—and a furious rage. He gets down from the stage, charging through the crowd towards me, as everyone watches, riveted.
But before he can reach me, Richard, moves to intercept him.
“I knew this day would come,” he says with a smirk. “I can’t believe you thought you’d get away with it, but now you’re going to get what you deserve.” His voice rises, ringing with false indignation. He’s grandstanding for the crowd, making it clear he didn’t know. “I’m calling an emergency board meeting immediately. I guarantee you’ll be removed, andI’lltake back the company.”
Sebastian ignores him, and keeps moving, straight to me. He grabs my arm without a word, and practically drags me back away from the crowd, to a quiet spot on the terrace.
“Why?” he demands. It’s a single word, full of pain and anger.
I finally allow my true feelings to show. “Why do you think?” I shoot back at him. “It’s because you were right, you’re a monster. There’s no redeeming someone like you. You’ll just keep hurting people, unless someone steps up and stops you.”
“Keep hurting who?” Sebastian looks genuinely bewildered.
I give a bitter laugh. “Of course, you don’t even realize. There are so many options, you can’t even narrow it down. Well, let me help you out with this one. His name was Miles Romano, and you drove him to his death.”