Page 30 of Unforgivable Sins
Sinn stayed at his booth past closing, staring at the door with an intensity I’ve never seen from him before. I don’t think he even blinked for the last hour. He was clearly waiting for her. But she didn’t come. She didn’t fucking come and I’m always here. Why can’t he see that?
I started to worry that I wouldn’t be able to sneak out to meet Hook on time but Sinn finally went up to his penthouse and I ran out of the bar before the elevator doors even closed. I ran the few blocks to the docks and veered off towards the beach before getting too close. I sigh in relief, as I see Hook’s silhouette standing at the edge
of the water and I finally slow my frantic pace.
I step up alongside him, panting, “Thanks for coming.”
He cocks an eyebrow as he side-eyes me. “It’s not every day Serene is summoned to be a messenger. I imagined it must be urgent indeed.”
“It is,” I say, my heartbeat and my breaths slowing.
He turns to face me. “I don’t have long. Smee is loading up the Jolly Roger for transport as we speak. Tell me.”
“Sinn has been acting differently.”
Hook laughs sarcastically. “No shit. He’s been acting like a devious ass ever since that night. That’s old news, Tink, My Sweet.”
I roll my eyes at his attempt to flirt or sweet-talk me. Hook is attractive and…happy. He’s the exact opposite of his brother and that’s why I’ve never been remotely attracted to him. I’m drawn to everything cold and dangerous about Sinn. I know, I’m crazy, but I just think underneath all of that ice there’s more depth than even he realizes. I know he’s capable of more and I want to be the one to bring it out of him.
I sigh. “He’s been acting even worse. There’s this girl—”
Hook laughs again, this time, throwing his head back and laughing fully, from the bottom of his belly, a loud and mocking laugh. “Oh, Tink, did you seriously call me here because you’rejealous.”
Anger rages through my veins, I cross my arms, and resist the urge to stomp my foot like a pouting child. “Nooo,” I say defensively, even though I don’t fully believe the attempt at denial any more than Hook does, but he lets it go. “This girl is…different. Sinn has been distracted by her. He seems almost obsessed with her. He’s been interfering when anyone hurts her, even a little. He’s there, saving her. Since when does Sinn save anyone from what happens in Sinful Delights.” I throw my hands up in frustration. “That’s the whole idea behind the fucking bar.”
“I don’t see how this really means anything—”
“He killed someone for her.”
That gets his attention.
“You must be mistaken. My brother is a lot of things, but a killer isn’t one of them,” his voice is dangerously low, threatening.
“I had to help clean up the fucking blood, Hook. He ripped out a man’s heart for touching her. Slightly and Cubby had to bring the body down here and throw it into the ocean for the Mermaids to destroy any evidence.”
Hook runs his hands down his face. “You’re certain it was Sinn?"
"Tell me about the girl.”
I shrug. “I have no fucking clue. She showed up a week ago and she’s just like all the others.”
“Well, that’s not true is it. Not if she’s causing Sinn to…,” he swallows, unable to say the words himself, “and you said she’s different so you must have a theory.”
I sigh again. “I think she might have something to do with that night. I don’t know anything for certain, it’s just a gut feeling, but I don’t know why else she would get under Sinn’s skin the way she has. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me, but I know absolutely shit about that night to be sure of anything.”
“I see. But I don’t understand why you’re concerned. She’ll be gone soon enough just like all the others before her. Just wait it out.”
I shake my head. “I don’t know if she will. She’s not showing any signs of remembering. I know it’s rare, but I think she’s completely lost. Not just a little confused or guilt ridden. If she doesn’t remember, she could end up stuck here, unknowingly and Sinn hasn’t made any attempt to guide her.”
“So why did you call me? What is it you think I can do about all of this? Sinn barely talks to me these days much less listens to me.”
“I want gold dust,” I admit quietly. Nervous about asking for it and what he’s going to say.
Hook turns back to face the ocean. The sound of the water lapping at our feet seems incredibly loud in our sudden silence. Hook doesn’t move a muscle and he’s quiet for a long time, making me question this entire plan, but he finally breaks the silence.
“You want to make the Green Fairy. You want to force her to remember.”