Page 36 of Unforgivable Sins
I’ll be happy once she remembers why the fuck she’s here and she can move the fuck on. We can all move the fuck on.
I see the second Sinn comes back into the bar. He’s escorting five giggling and annoying women. “Of course,” I sneer and roll my eyes.
But it’s honestly the least of my worries. I watch him storm up the ramp and confront his brother and that bitch. He doesnotlook amused, and it amuses the fuck out of me. I smirk as he orders her to get out of the booth.
“That’s right, bitch,” I mumble under my breath, “get the fuck out of…”
The words die on my lips as I have to watch him grab her.
And sit her down in his fucking lap.
And wrap his arms around her.
What in the actual motherfucking fuck!He’s never done anything like this with anyone. I just don’t understand why her? What is so special about her? I mean, ok fine, I can admit that she’s absolutely beautiful, but so what? He’s had plenty of beautiful women. What has this witch done to him? I swear, it has to be witchcraft or something because none of what’s transpired over the past week has been normal.
Hook is walking toward the bar. I move to the end, seeking more privacy, and he veers to meet me. His eyes are sparkling with amusement and he chuckles as he approaches.
“Well, I can see why you’re so worried, Little Pet, he’s definitely acting different.”
“I’m not your fucking pet,” I seethe.
Little One.
Little Pet.
Why is everyone always referring to me as little? As if I’m not as important as anyone else. No one fucking takes me seriously but that’s all about to change. I’m making shit happen and they will all see me for who I am and what I’m capable of soon enough. I’m not anyone’s little anything. But I push that aside for now as I focus on the topic for this evening and why Hook is here in the first place.
“Now do you see what I mean? This isn’t normal. This isn’t Sinn.”
“You’re not wrong. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him with a woman publicly before. Like…,” he pulls at his beard, “ever.”
“We need to do something. I need the gold dust,” I whisper.
“I’m not convinced it calls for that, Tink.”
“What do you mean?! Look,” I lift my chin and look behind him.
Hook looks over his shoulder and we both watch as Sinn leads her to the elevator. To his private penthouse. I’m fucking fuming.
“Good,” Hook laughs. “Lord knows the bastard needs to get laid. Maybe this is exactly what he needs.”
“Ugh, is that all you think about? This isn’t about him getting laid, Hook,” I argue. “This is about how he’s been acting since she showed up here. He’s been sending people to H2 like crazy.”
“That’s nothing new.”
I sigh, he’s not wrong. “Ok, fine, but…,” I lean in and drop my voice, “killingpeople is new. And he’s doing it because ofher. She’s bad news, and I know you want your old brother back just as much as the rest of us do. We want the Sinn beforethatnightand killing isn’t exactly the right direction to getting him back. She’s only making it worse, Hook. She’s makinghimworse.”
Hook shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Tink, I just don’t see this as a bad thing.”
I scoff and cross my arms.
“In fact, him showinganytype of emotion, other than pure rage, is agoodsign. We need to be patient, not make any rash decisions, see how this plays out.”
“So, what you’re saying is, you’re not going to help me?”
Hook shrugs his big shoulders. “I don’t see the need for it at this stage. I’m sorry, Little Pet.”
“Fine.” I uncross my arms and lean into the bar. “I’ll just go to The Crocodile for help then. He won’t be as squeamish about pissing off your brother.”