Page 5 of Demon Valley Crowned
I still didn’t carry an ounce of pity for her, especially when she couldn’t admit her wrongdoings and that she could have led to our everlasting circumstances as slaves under Baker’s rule.
I wasn’t sure when that sensation to watch her suffer would fade away, and maybe I didn’t want it to. If one planned for us to suffer for all eternity, maybe their karma was to be tortured and despised for all eternity?
“You can’t take her alone with you,” Zasper commented as he noticed my lingering gaze. “She could slow you down on purpose.”
He had a point.
She wasn’t very cooperative — which was expected with any new pet — and knowing she could potentially benefit us by being the perfect prey for any hindrances ahead, she really could be a thorn in my side rather than the perfect bait for Baker to prey upon.
Despite how she was fighting for breath, I could feel her defiance. It was a shame she was a bitch and would probably die being an enemy, or else she’d be a good recruit.
She made her bed. Now she has to lay in it.
“What if we can be of service?”
I wasn’t expecting the male voice that held immense amusement. My head immediately moved to my far left to see Colton and, even more surprisingly, Lauren.
“Colton? Lauren?” I inquired as they made their way toward us. Zasper bowed in acknowledgment before questioning Colton’s appearance.
“I assumed you’d be staying behind with the others.”
“Originally, that was the plan,” Colton revealed with a playful smirk before he gestured to Lauren, who wore such a calm demeanor now that she wore such a magnificent white dress.
Her aura reminded me that she was a Tainted Time Keeper and not the woman who encouraged my downfall into the valley, but I knew if she was here now, that meant things could have changed outside the valley.
For better or worse.
"Our Tainted Vixen here has intel from above that needs our Lexiboo’s prompt attention,” Colton revealed.
“Tainted Vixen?” The way Lauren’s eyes narrowed at the puppeteer only made him grin seductively in return as he winked.
“Admit it. You like it.”
“I’d rather enjoy calling that chained pest over there Goldibitch than being called such.”
“What if I put ‘my’ before it?” Colton offered. He didn’t hesitate to lean over to whisper, “My Tainted Vixen.”
The way her eyes narrowed in scrutiny only made him grin like a damn fool who was madly in love.
Actually, I wasn’t blind. This man was clearly smitten with the Tainted Keeper.
"That imposter of a bitch…is out of your fucking league.” All eyes landed on Laura, who could barely keep her eyes open as she still fought to catch her breath. “You’re nothing but a waste of space. Like someone of my class…who’s popular and strong…enough to be impersonated by some bitch…would be interested in a weak, poor, outcas—”
She was cut off by the splash of Lauren’s foot to her face. That was followed by her body being riddled with piercing needles of white that reminded me of icicles, which finished her until her body was left with plenty of holes.
“Being able to kill you without a second thought is far more satisfying than I ever could have imagined,” she voiced first before she crossed her arms over her chest. “And who do you think you are trying to throw shade at a man who could probably love, respect, and treat a woman like a queen in comparison to the douche of a toxic fucker you decided to embark on the one-side journey of love with?”
She knew Laura wasn’t going to be able to reply, but seeing as Goldibitch’s heart was still beating, she wasn’t about to respawn just yet.
“Maybe after you respawn, you’ll think twice before trying to give anyone else love advice, let alone be a judgemental bitch who thinks she’s worthy enough to say who can be with a Tainted Vixen like me.”
With a huff, she turned around, which sent a final shard of white that completely obliterated Laura’s body, and grabbed onto the lengthy pink chain that whipped around aimlessly.
With a firm grip on the metallic rope, she was right back at Colton’s side, which was enough time for Laura to respawn again. She was breathless, her body shaking as if she could still feel the chilling shard going through the remnants of her body.
Unlike before, she didn’t dare say a word — even with all our attention on her.
Guess she needs a break to recover from that unique death.