Page 66 of Blood of My Monster
I will never forget his practical, methodical expression when he was looking at Nadia’s and Nicholas’s faces. Or when he received the news of his men’s death.
Nothing and no one can affect him, and I’m not sure why that fills me with a sense of dread.
Everyone stands at attention, and a shuffling of beds and limbs sounds from behind us as the injured men try to stand at attention.
“At ease,” Viktor says.
When everyone complies, Kirill steps to the middle of the room, naturally stealing everyone’s attention. He stands tall and erect, like a charismatic performer. When he speaks, his tone carries like a cool breeze. “The mission made me realize that I can’t escape my destiny and that if I attempt to, I’ll keep losing loyal men who followed me without asking questions. For that reason, I’m leaving the army and going back to New York. I understand if you want to stay here. I’ll personally make sure you’re transferred to elite units. Those who do not wish to remain here are welcome to come along. We’re leaving in three days.”
And with that, he turns and exits the room with Viktor in tow, leaving us in a jumble of confused emotions.
* * *
Not one,and I mean not one man, has decided to stay in the military. Not even those who secretly like the military lifestyle and the bursts of violence.
According to Maksim, their excuse is a simple, “We’ll get plenty of violence in New York; it’s just a different type of violence.”
That leaves me. I always thought I’d spend a few years in the military, go up in rank, and get close to the commandants so I could find out who ordered the hit on my family.
But due to the change in the situation, I’m not so sure about the next step.
So I call for an emergency meeting with Uncle Albert at the usual warehouse. My shoulders drop when I find out he’s come alone this time, without a certain little boy climbing him as if he were a tree.
My uncle has thinned, looking way unhealthier than he did the last time I saw him. It’s been only a month, but it feels like a year ago.
It’s strange how time functions. When I saw Nadia’s and Nicholas’s bodies three days ago, it felt as if I’d been thrown back in time to when my own family experienced a similar tragedy.
After we got to the base, I told Captain that I was going back to the village to make sure the couple were buried properly, but he said he’d already taken care of it. Not sure when he had the time, but he got it done.
However, the couple’s deaths wasn’t the only thing that affected me. The fast-paced nature of the events that followed made me more conscious about what other tragedies await me.
Uncle Albert and I break after a hug, and he studies me. “You look…different.”
“It’s the muscles.” I flex my bicep, and he smiles, showing his straight, perfect teeth.
“No, it’s something else, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.” He leans against the wall beside the entrance to the warehouse.
Freezing air slips through the cracks as a charged silence falls between us. I called him for an emergency, and he’s waiting for me to spill. But I don’t know where or how to start.
“What’s wrong, Sashenka?”
My chin trembles, but I don’t give in to the tears. “I just came back from…uh, a mission, and it was kind of brutal.”
“Are you okay?” He studies me with new eyes, affectionate and full of compassion like those of Papa.
I shake my head. “I’m fine, but the unit lost a lot of men. So Kirill, the captain, decided to take what remains of the unit and go back to New York since he thinks his father won’t leave him alone otherwise. But the thing is, his father is someone you know.”
A crease appears between his brows. “Someone I know?”
“The man who came to talk to you guys in the main house before everything went down.”
“What man, Sasha?”
“The overweight man with a balding head. His last name is Morozov.”
My uncle’s expression darkens, and an incomparable sense of rage emanates from him in waves. “How do you know that man? Have you met him? Talked to him? Did he recognize you?”
“No to all. I only saw him from afar. He’s…the captain’s father, but he doesn’t really get along with him, so I don’t think he’s involved. No, I’m sure he isn’t. They’re just related by blood, but that doesn’t really mean they have the same character…” I trail off.What am I doing?