Page 79 of Wild
She blinks blearily at me. “What time is it?”
“Almost ten,” I admit. “I wanted to let you sleep. We were up late.”
“Mhmm,” she hums, sitting up. “You made food.” She eyes the tray of food I hold.
“I thought you’d be hungry.”
“I am,” she says, getting comfortable. Her breasts are on full display, she doesn’t bother trying to cover herself up, and I have to suppress a groan because suddenly the last thing on my mind is eating these eggs.
I settle into the bed beside her, with the tray between us.
“I’ve never done this before,” I admit.
“Eat breakfast?” she jokes.
I crack a small smile. “Make a girl breakfast. Spend the night. You’re getting me to break all my rules.”
She laughs. “Funny, you’re doing the same with mine.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, desperate for her to elaborate.
She shrugs. “I was … fine before you came along. My life wasn’t exciting, sure, but I felt fulfilled. I always swore I’d never date or be involved with a musician, but then you happened. I fought it, but…” She blushes, ducking her head so her hair falls forward to hide the pink hue in her cheeks. “I was attracted to you the first time I saw you—don’t get me wrong, I still thought you were an arrogant, condescending asshole, but I thought you were hot.”
I laugh at her words. “Is that all I am to you? Man candy?”
“Maybe.” She winks. “It’s funny,” she continues, “I haven’t had the most exciting dating life, but I have dated … they all turned out to be jerks masquerading as nice guys. I pegged you as a jerk and … you’re not.” Her eyes connect with mine. “You’re one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met.”
I chuckle, taking a bite of toast. “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.”
“You’re not who I thought you were.”
I sigh. “Babe, Iwas. I was exactly the guy you thought I was then. The morning I met you … your dad had driven through the night all the way to D.C. to haul our sorry asses out of a club. Some girl I didn’t even know the name of was sitting in my lap. I would’ve fucked her that night,” I admit, and it kills me it’s true. “I felt like the music, the fame … I thought I was doing what I was supposed to. What I’d seen in the media growing up. I wanted that. I wanted to live the typical live fast, die young lifestyle. Then we got here. I met you. Your dad. This town. All of it slowed me down. No one giving a fuck about us, it humbled me. I don’t want to be that guy anymore. I don’t want to live without abandon, I want to live with a purpose now. I want to make great music, tour the world, and hopefully…”
“Hopefully what?” she prompts.
“Fall in love … but I’m afraid I already have.”
She gasps, it’s only a small sound, a bare intake of breath but it’s there.
I shake my head, my hair flopping over my forehead. “Don’t say anything. You don’t … just don’t.”
She grabs my chin and forces me to look at her. “Shut up and listen you idiot.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I say, but it’s distorted.
“I don’t know where this is headed. I don’t know if you’re my boyfriend, and even if you are, there’s a lot we need to discuss. I have another year of college after this, you have your band, and you’re going places, Hollis, I know it. But right now, none of it matters, because I’ve never felt like this for another person. I feel safe with you. I laugh with you. I argue with you. We’re not perfect, neither of us, but it doesn’t stop me from loving every moment we spend together and loving you.”
Holy shit.
She releases my chin and I sit there dumbfounded.
Mia loves me.
I think—no, IknowI love her too.
It makes no sense. It’s absolutely illogical.