Page 81 of Wild
“Yeah.” She shrugs with a wince.
“He’s going to castrate me,” I groan. “Pick out my eyes and put my head on a spike.”
She scoots the tray out of her way and rolls toward me until her body lays over mine, the sheets tangled around her. “I’ll protect you.” She kisses my bare chest. “He might hurt you, but he’d never hurt me.”
“You’ll be my human shield?”
She laughs. “Yes.”
I stare down at this amazing girl, this amazing girl who loves me despite my flaws, despite all the bad shit I’ve done.
I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to keep proving I’m worthy of her.
Rolling away from me, she drags the tray back to us and begins to eat.
“Halloween is in a few days,” she says, completely changing the subject. “If you’re my boyfriend you better get a costume.”
“Why?” I ask hesitantly.
She shrugs daintily. “There all kinds of things going on downtown. Parties. Pub crawl. You name it and it’s probably happening. The guys should come too.”
“How are we going to get costumes that quick?” I grumble.
“Amazon Prime that shit,” she says like it’s obvious.
“What are you going as?” I ask.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She smirks with a glint in her eyes.
Something tells me whatever she has planned is going to torture me.
Hollis practically lives at my apartment now, but I kick him out and force him to get ready for Halloween night at his hotel with his friends, while Kira and I get ready here.
I didn’t want him seeing my costume.
I love Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday of the entire year. I plan my costume a full year in advance, going all out. There’s something about becoming a whole different person for one night I find intriguing.
Kira curls my hair, taking her time to make sure it’s perfect. My hair has a natural curl anyway, but I need this to be sleek and sexy curls.
After she’s done with my hair, she weaves ivy through it, before moving on to my makeup.
When she’s finished, it’s my turn to help her.
I do her makeup first, going for a grungy sweaty look—it sounds gross, but it’s necessary—and I even go as far as to add some fake bruising, cuts, and dirt. I braid her hair and then we’re both ready to change into our costumes and make the final transformation.
Me into Poison Ivy, and her into Lara Croft.
This year, we both decided to play into our natural looks when it came to our costumes.
I wiggle the sheer green tights up my hips, before slipping into the leotard corset type garment I spent hours gluing ivy to. I even added green sequins to it so when the lights hit it, it shimmers. Finally, I grab my pair of matching green platform heels and put them on.
“How do I look?” I ask turning to Kira.