Page 15 of Strictly Pleasure
“You will. I hope you get some sleep tonight.”
A smile ghosts his lips. “Me too.”
He heads for the sweeping staircase that leads to the second floor and I head for the back door to the path that leads to the bungalow. The kitchen is dark and quiet – everybody except us brothers went to bed an hour or two ago. There’s a full moon tonight and it lights my way as I reach the bungalow that’ll be my home for the next few months.
The air is still warm, and the sound of locusts fill the air. For a moment I feel a sense of peace wash over me. Maybe that’s another reason why I’m so keen to do business here. Because this city lets me breathe in a way that New York doesn’t. It’s full of foliage and insects and reminds me that life isn’t all about chasing the next dollar.
Then I laugh and shake my head at myself because that’s exactly what life’s about. Maybe I should have drunk one less beer.
* * *
Charlie is wide awake as I cradle him in my arms at the front of the church the next day. His wide blue eyes stare up at me, as though I have the answer to everything, and warmth rushes through me, because I want to protect him like I’ve never wanted to protect anything else.
I finish reciting the words the pastor tells me and then I pass Charlie to Liam. His whole demeanor softens as he takes his nephew. I’m starting to suspect some of the emotion of the ceremony may have cracked through his cocky exterior.
It doesn’t stop me from hoping Charlie yaks on his shirt.
It’s the pastor’s turn next. He takes Charlie and dumps a handful of cold water on his head. Understandably, Charlie starts to wail. The pastor quickly hands him back to Ava, who kisses Charlie’s head and hushes him softly.
And then it’s over. Liam and I are officially godparents. The organ starts up, filling the stale air of the church with discordant music, and we all step down from the dais and join Ava and Myles’ guests in the aisle.
It’s a short walk from the church back to Myles and Ava’s house where they’re throwing a party, but there are cars for those who can’t walk in the heat. Ava and Myles take one with Charlie, and their parents take another, urging my dad to join them, so he gives me a wave.
“Are you walking back to Ava’s?” Lauren asks me. She’s going to take a car because she wants to make sure the cake is ready. Whereas I want some air. Even hot, Charleston air.
“Yeah,” I tell her. “I’ll see you there.” I step out of the church and shake the pastor’s hand, thanking him for a lovely ceremony.
And then I pull off my sandals because there’s no way I can walk in these heels. They look gorgeous but I’ll end up breaking an ankle. Looping the straps in my fingers, I take a left at the end of the church path, following the crowd of people heading along Virginia Street.
“You know shoes aren’t supposed to hurt,” a male voice says. I glance to my left and see Liam there. He’s towering over me since I’m barefoot.
“What?” I frown.
“They were specifically invented to protect feet,” he continues.
I roll my eyes. “Thank you, Einstein.”
He shrugs. “You see any guys take off their shoes because they’re in so much pain?” he asks me, glancing down at my bare feet.
“Well no…”
He lifts a brow as though I just proved his case.
“But these shoes are pretty,” I tell him. “It would make my heart hurt not to wear them.”
He glances at the sandals in my hand. “Mhmm.”
“And they make my legs look good.”
“Your legs already look good.”
I blink because that sounded like a compliment. “I’m sorry?” I ask him, but he has that mask like expression on again.
And then he completely changes the subject.
“So what did you get him?” he asks me.