Page 17 of Strictly Pleasure
“I need the fresh air,” Liam says sharply.
“So do I,” Linc tells him.
“Excuse us for one moment, Sophie,” Liam says, grabbing Linc’s arm to stop him from walking. I shrug and carry on. The ground is getting hot and my bare feet are getting dirty and all I want to do is clean them off at Ava’s house before I down a glass of champagne.
My mouth waters at the thought of it, right as Linc strides up to me. “Gotta go,” he says. His face is neutral but there’s something flashing in his eyes. “I’ll catch you later, Sophie.”
He speeds off and then a shadow comes over me. I know it’s Liam without having to look.
“Try to not flirt with the children,” he says.
My mouth drops open. “Did you seriously just say that?” The man is infuriating.
“I’m just trying to help,” he says lightly.
“Who I flirt with has nothing to do with you,” I tell him.
“You’re my sister-in-law’s best friend. I’m just trying to look after you. Lincoln’s not what you need.”
“And what do I need?” I ask him. “Since you’re an expert on the subject.”
I feel his eyes on my face, but there’s no way I’m going to look at him right now. I’m annoyed and upset and there’s no way I want him to know he’s affected me.
“A man. Somebody who can give you the fairytale. The happy ever after. Not a kid like Linc.”
I start to laugh. “What? Have I stepped onto a Disney set? What makes you think I want the fairytale?”
“Because it’s written all over you. You scream long-term-commitment.” His voice is annoyingly even.
“And you scream STDs,” I huff back.
There’s another coughing sound. Is he laughing? It sounded like he laughed, but I still don’t dare look. We’re only a hundred yards from Ava’s house now. I seriously consider doing a sprint finish.
“I’m very careful about my sexual health, Sophie. I always use precautions and I get tested every three months.”
“It’s okay,” I tell him, rolling my eyes. “We already had this talk.”
I finally bring myself to look at him, and get a grim sense of satisfaction from the way the smile dissolves from his lips.
“Look,” I say, before he can think of a smart comeback. “Can you just stop interfering in my love life, please? First the guy on vacation and now this.”
“The guy on vacation was married. I did you a favor.”
Ugh, he’s right but I won’t admit it to him. The memory of it is mortifying.
“I would have found out myself and walked away,” I tell him. “I don’t need your help and I don’t want it, okay?” I don’t know why I let him get to me every time. I’m annoyed at myself for thinking we could finally have a conversation without wanting to tear out each other’s throats. Even more annoyed for thinking it was nice. “You promised me this wouldn’t get awkward and it has.” I sound emotional and I hate it. “That’s not fair.”
He looks at me for a moment, his brows knitting. Then he rubs his chin with the heel of his hand. “Okay,” he says. “I hear you loud and clear.”
Well that’s good. We finish the walk in silence, and I’ve never been happier to be swallowed up by my group of friends and family, as they hug me and compliment my dress and tell me how well I did at the church.
And Liam walks into the house alone.