Page 79 of Strictly Pleasure
“Friends don’t send you lunch one day then flowers the next.”
“I think he wants to be more than friends,” I admit.
“Of course he does.” She claps her hands together. “Tell me more.”
I tell her as quickly as possible about Liam, skirting over the physical stuff because that’s private, and as much as I like Lisa I’d hate to tell her about this before I tell Ava. She’d be hurt if she found out, and I’d hate that. So nobody gets all the gossip before she and Lauren do.
Just as soon as I’m ready to tell them. Which I’m not. Yet.
“Yep,” Lisa says when I finish speaking. “Definitely not just a friend. That guy is into you.”
“Do you think he might just want what he can’t have?” I ask her. This idea is still playing on my mind. I don’t think he’d be doing it on purpose, but he’s an alpha male. A high achiever who always gets what he wants.
But when he gets me? Because it’s definitely a when, not an if. What happens then?
There’s every chance he’ll get bored of me. And that thought makes my chest hurt. Because as much as I’ve been trying not to, it’s obvious I’m falling for this man.
“No. He’s been watching Grey’s with you,” Lisa says, as though that explains everything. “Men don’t do that if they’re only after one thing.”
“Are you sure?” I frown.
“He’s wooing you. Can’t you see that? The guy’s got it bad.” She grins. “The only question is, how do you feel?”
My chest tightens. “I like him,” I admit.
“Of course you do. He’s hot.” She staring at her phone. I can’t believe she’s already googled him. “I can’t believe he’s flying back from New York just for tonight. That’s so romantic.”
Yeah it is. I exhale heavily.
“I don’t get it,” Lisa says, looking up at me. “Why aren’t you bouncing off the ceiling? I would be if a guy wanted me as much as he wants you.”
She’s right. I should be. And part of me is. The romantic part that believes in Fairytales and Prince Charming and Happily Ever Afters. Liam was right all along. I do want those things. But can he give them to me?
Because when did Prince Charming ever say he didn’t sleep with a woman more than once because he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea?
“He’s not good at commitment,” I finally tell her. “And I’m not good at getting my heart broken.”
She looks at me for a moment. I’ve sat with her through enough breakups for her to understand this sentiment. “The problem is,” she says. “I think you’ll be heartbroken if you walk away from him. But that’ll be self-imposed.”
Her words land like a thud in my brain. She’s right, I’m not sure I can walk away from him if I tried.
And if I’m honest, I don’t want to try.
I want him to come see me tonight. I want him to want me so bad he can’t stay away. And I want to see where this goes.
It’s a leap in the dark. But maybe those are the best kind of leaps. The ones that send your heart racing as you jettison yourself off the edge.
I just hope he’s there to catch me on the other side.
* * *
“So I’ll be at yours by seven,” Eli says. I’m only half-paying attention to him because I have a pile of reports to read before I head to the airport and I need to be prepared for my meetings tomorrow. But this last sentence cuts through. I lift my gaze from the numbers on the paper.
“What?” I ask.
Eli laughs. “Did you listen to a word I just said? I’m driving up to New York now. I have a meeting with a sponsor in the morning. I’m staying at your place and we’re going out. Did that sink in this time?”