Page 9 of Strictly Pleasure
His face softens at the mention of Ava. “How is she? Did I tell you she brought her baby over to meet me?”
“You did. And she said you were amazing with him.”
He beams. “Just practicing for when you give me grandchildren.” He glances at Mom’s picture again. “We both always wanted that.”
I nod, trying not to feel guilty that I couldn’t give her that before we lost her. “I know. Anyway, I should go. I have to be up at four tomorrow.” Ready for the five a.m. newscast.
Dad kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll see you on Sunday.” Ava invited him to the christening. It’s really sweet of her.
“Are you okay to get there on your own?” I ask him.
“Absolutely. I know you have to be there early.”
“Okay then. I’ll see you at the church.” I give him what I hope is a severe look. “And try to eat something other than cake tonight.”
He winks. “I’ll try.”
I wave goodbye and climb into my car, starting the engine. And when I get home to my apartment, about twenty minutes from my dad, I kick off my shoes, drop my behind into the comfy sofa that’s followed me around since I spent way too much on it eight years ago, and let my head fall back.
I don’t dare check my social media because people have been complaining about my forecast for Dan’s daughter’s wedding all day. It’s amazing how invested they can get in an event they’re not invited to. I also don’t want to check my emails because I saw one flash up while I was at Dad’s from Michael, my boss.
I still hate that word. We used to be co-workers until our old manager, left to go back to academia. I loved working for her – she was a true trailblazer for women meteorologists.
When she left she encouraged me to apply for her position. I was going to do it, too, but then I learned Michael had already put his resume in. And the thought of going up against him, but losing made me panic and not put my own application in at all.
I wish I hadn’t been so scared. Especially since the changes he’s made are crap.
I’m already bored of feeling sorry for myself, because actually I have a pretty good life. And although Michael aggravates me I mostly know how to handle him.
So I get up and shower then I make myself a quick dinner, before opening up my laptop to do the work I didn’t have a chance to finish today, aware that all work and no play is definitely making Sophie a dull girl.
And my dad thinks I should be dating more. Ha. No chance.
“That smells delicious. What is it?” Ava leans over the huge vat of ragu I have simmering on the stove top. My overbearing family should be arriving for Charlie’s christening weekend soon and if I know my brothers they’ll be hungry. Back when we were kids it was my job to feed them and it’s a habit I haven’t quite gotten out of.
“Making some meat sauce for Spaghetti Bolognese,” I tell her. She’s holding Charlie in her arms, and he’s sleeping peacefully against her chest. Ava, on the other hand, looks anything but peaceful. Her hair is askew, her eyes have bags under them and she’s still wearing her pajamas. “Go back to bed. I’ll feed the family when they arrive. Put Charlie in his playpen here and I’ll keep an eye on him,” I tell her gently.
“Do I know you?” she asks, tipping her head to the side. “Because you look exactly like my annoying brother-in-law, except he’s probably still in bed. With a beautiful woman he met on a night out.”
“I’m not that bad,” I say lightly, stroking Charlie’s downy scalp. I’ve literally never touched anything so soft as this kid. Never smelled anything as sweet either.
“Who’s not that bad?” Myles asks, stumbling into the kitchen.
“Liam’s cooking for your family,” Ava says, stifling a yawn. “He’s going to feed them when they arrive.”
“You put celery in there?” Myles asks.
“Yep. And carrots.”
“Good.” He nods. “Tastes better that way.” He grabs a spoon from the side and dips it into the pan, then lifts it to his lips.
“Careful, it’s ho—”