Page 93 of Strictly Pleasure
“I am too,” I tell him. And I really am.
He winks and spears the last chicken wing, putting it on the small plate that came with our appetizers. “Then bring him along when you come to meet Jenny. We might as well kill two birds with one stone.”
And there he is. My practical dad. “Okay,” I agree. “That sounds good.”
He finishes the wing and wipes his fingers. “Look at us moving on,” he says. “Taking the future by the balls.”
I laugh because I don’t think I’ve ever heard him use the word ‘balls’ before. “We’re kicking future’s ass,” I tell him.
“I’ll drink to that.” He lifts his beer, and clinks it against my cocktail. “Cheers, sweetheart.”
“Cheers, Dad.” And I smile because things are finally coming together. The submission is in, my dad and I have cleared the air, and tomorrow I see Liam.
Who wouldn’t want to smile about that?
The sky is overcast as I begin the drive to Misty Lakes. Liam’s dad’s estate is on the other side of the state line, in Virginia, and I’m thankful for my car’s GPS because I have no sense of direction at all. Liam called me early this morning – he arrived at his father’s place with his brothers late last night. When I told him I should be there in the early afternoon he sounded pleased.
I don’t know why I ever thought I’d be able to do this trip there and back in a day. It’s not exactly short. And as I get closer to Virginia, the clouds darken ominously, reminding me that later on there’s almost certainly going to be a deluge.
When I make the turn onto a graveled road, the tree canopy above casts a dark shadow on the path ahead. Ava told me that there was a kind of forest between the road and Misty Lakes. Liam’s dad likes his privacy and they provide a welcome barrier.
I’m starting to wonder if this forest will ever end when I finally drive out of the other side, and in the distance I see the main house sitting on the top of one of the rolling green hills. The road meanders and then ascends up the hill, and I get the most gorgeous view of the lakes that the estate is named after. They don’t sparkle because there’s no sun to reflect off them, but they look tranquil and beautiful.
When I reach the house the driveway is filled with cars. There are three men wearing yellow vests over their white shirts and black pants and one of them walks forward. “Miss West?”
“Yes.” I nod. Impressive, Liam must have given them my car details.
“If you’d like to go up to the house we’ll park your car and take your luggage down to your cabin,” he tells me.
So I climb out and grab my bag and phone, as well as the paper bag that has Linda’s birthday gift inside, and I walk up to the steps, taking a deep breath because I’m going to be seeing him again.
And then he’s opening the impressive oak front door, his expression unreadable as he walks down the steps to meet me.
“Sophie.” He kisses my cheek. “How was your drive?”
“It was good,” I say breathlessly because this man has such an effect on me.
“I’m glad.”
I’m a little perplexed by his reaction to me. I’d envisioned him sweeping me off my feet, kissing me until I couldn’t regain control of my muscles. But instead he’s being cool. Almost aloof.
And then I look over his shoulder and I see his mother and stepmothers, plus his father and brothers, all standing at the door.
“I don’t know how you want to play this,” he whispers in my ear. “Are you okay with everyone knowing about us?”
I take a deep breath, remembering my dad’s words from last night. It’s about the future. And I don’t want to be afraid of that.
“Yeah, I am,” I tell him.
“Thank Christ for that.” Before I can say another word, he spins me around and pulls me against him, his mouth warm against mine as he kisses me.
I curl my arms around his neck, rolling onto my toes to try to get a little bit higher, loving the way he holds me so tight. His tongue slides against mine and there’s a low rumble in his throat that sends pleasure straight to my thighs.
Somebody lets out a whistle and Liam pulls back, his smile huge.