Page 68 of Joaquin (Reckless Souls MC 6)
She pushes away from the table. “No problem. I’m sorry this all happened to you, Ms. Martinez. I shouldn’t say it, but thank you for giving us one less bad guy to worry about.” She taps on the table and walks out without another word, another question, or even another look around.
As soon as Stiles leaves, Willow removes herself from my lap, wiping her eyes and shaking her head like a mad woman. “I should get outta here. If I stick around, everyone’s in danger.”
“We’ll take care of this,” I tell her and reach for her.
Willow pulls back, still shaking her head. “No. I can’t stay and put all these people I care about at risk. I’ve messed with a fucking cartel. Do you know what cartels do? They’ll burn Angel Harbor to the ground to get to me.” She swipes away more tears, her jaw clenched tight, and I know she believes this bullshit.
“You’re not wrong, Willow.” Ace’s booming voice cuts through her tears, but his words piss me off. “We are in the crosshairs of these assholes now for different reasons, but that doesn’t matter. You’re staying here.”
“Ace,” she moans. “Be reasonable.”
“I am being reasonable, Willow. You have to stay here because we simply don’t have the manpower to keep an eye on you while you go on the run or to keep you in a safe house away from everyone else. If you go, Joaquin will go after you, and I can’t have that right now. You’re staying.”
I can tell she wants to argue, but then her gaze bounces from me to Ace, and his words settle in. The MC needs me, and she knows that.
“I need you,” I mouth to her when she looks at me again. “Don’t make me chase you, Willow.”
She nods and looks around the room. “I would never do anything to put you guys at risk.”
“I know,” Ace tells her with a smile. “So keep your ass parked inside this fucking clubhouse until I tell you differently. Got it?”
She nods.
“Good. Come on, guys. We have business to discuss.” Ace nods and turns away so we can work out our next moves in the sanctuary.
I stand face to face with Willow. “Stay. Right. Here.”
She flashes a small smile and rolls her eyes.
“Joaquin,” she sighs and grabs my face. “Be careful.” She slips her tongue across my lips, slowly back and forth, before I open them and let her in. It’s a hot as fuck kiss, incredible and intense. Though it feels never-ending, I know what she’s doing.
She’s saying goodbye.
Well, fuck that shit. I pull back and kiss her cheek to her ear, whispering, “I love you, Willow. If you run, I will find you.”
Instead of waiting for her denial, I smash our mouths together again for a deeper, more intense kiss than the previous one. I pour my heart into that kiss, hoping it’s enough to get her to stay. To trust me and the MC.
Finally, I step back with a smile, keeping our gazes locked until she’s out of view completely.
I want to stay and talk her out of whatever crazy plan she’s cooking up in her head, but I don’t have time. Not right now. MC business comes first, always, and right now, that’s our top fucking priority.
As soon as the sanctuary door closes, Ace is all business, and Church is in session. “We have to strike now. There’s no time to wait.”
“What do you have in mind?” Dix is at his side, always supporting the Prez in what needs to be done.
“A heist. We need to hit Morgan International tonight. Wild Man got the images from your phone, Dix, and I think we take it all.” A hint of a smile spreads slowly across Ace’s face, and I’m curious.
“What’s inside worth getting?” I love a good heist. Boosting shit from people who deserve it is satisfying as fuck.
“Two dozen wooden crates filled with guns with a high resale value. A few million dollars’ worth of designer clothes soaked in drugs. My guess is liquid cocaine.”
Preacher frowns. “What are we gonna do with that?”
“Find someone who knows what to do with it and sell it off for a lot of fucking money.”
There’s a gleam in Ace’s eyes as he looks around the table. My guess is he’s been working on this plan for a while. He says, “We leave for Morgan International at closing time and hit it thirty minutes later. In and out. Quickly.”
Coop asks the question on all of our minds. “Weapons?”