Page 13 of Last Love
I force myself to look away from him and hope there isn’t drool on my chin. There are a few people in here with us, and I worry they all know what’s about to happen. Like I’m wearing a “I’m about to get laid” look on my face.
Damn, that makes me sound like a prude. Don’t get me wrong, I was never one of those women who could just have sex for the release. I always wished I was, but that didn’t work for me. I need to be emotionally connected to someone. And the only other time I did this kind of thing was with my husband the first night we met. He had been forbidden, one of my brother’s buddies in the Army, but he’d smiled at me, and I was a goner.
Which brings me back to the present and trying to figure out what I’m doing with a man who might have been in middle school when I graduated high school.
Oh, God, I could have babysat him. I mean, not really, but it could have happened because of our age difference.
I glance at him again. Mason smiles at me, the smile that shows off his dimples. He’s one of those guys who make a woman melt just by doing that, and apparently, I’m not immune. My heart flip-flops and every hormone in my body is dancing the Macarena.
I barely notice that the lift has stopped when Mason takes my hand and pulls me through the crowd. We’re the only ones who get off the elevator, and we’re alone in the hallway. He says nothing as he leads me to his room. His hand is rough, his fingers callused, and I find that somehow comforting. With each step, my worry grows. I’m not that worried about Mason. I know that he’s patient and kind. Yes, I know about stranger danger, but I sense a core of goodness in him, much like my brother.
And now, my brain is short-circuiting because I thought of my brother while on my way to jump on a man. There’s something wrong with me.
He stops in front of his door, unlocks it, then holds the door open for me. Again, he’s leaving it up to me. It seems simple, but I know that in this moment, I am about to make a decision that is going to change my life. Not in the earth-shattering way the night I met Sam, but in a getting my life back kind of way. It’s my decision.
After only a second of hesitation, I step over the threshold. I swear I hear a sigh of relief, but I might have imagined it. Or maybe it was me. Truth is, Mason could’ve probably had any woman he wanted tonight. On any night, for that matter. Hell, Cora has been happily married for over twenty years, and I have a feeling even she would want take a ride on him.
Why am I thinking about my family again? What the ever-loving hell is wrong with me?
“I would love to know what you have goin’ on in your head right now.”
The rumble of his voice reaches out to me, and I glance at him. He’s leaning against the door, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Oh, nothing much,” I say lightly, drawing a chuckle from him.
“I doubt that.”
I turn to look at the room again. Neat as a pin. No clothes all over the floor or trash anywhere. My brother is the same way, as was Sam, but they were in the Army so they were both a bit OCD.
“Hey, Liv,” he says. I look back at him again. “We can just say goodnight, and you can go on your way.”
Part of me wants that. Of course, that’s the big coward part that pisses me off. I don’t want to run away like a little girl unable to make bold decisions. I haven’t made any recently, but I did in the past.
“No…it’s just that it’s been a long time. I don’t know…” My voice trails off a soon as I realize I am about to tell him I don’t know if I’m good at sex any more.
He offers me a lopsided smile. “Darlin’, it’s my job to make sure you enjoy yourself.”
His voice deepens with each word he utters. Tiny sparks of heat dance through my blood. God that voice of his speaks to me on some kind of level I don’t understand. I think it’s because he’s a baritone with that pretty face. I’m pretty sure panties surely ruined. I shift my legs. Yep, my panties are positively drenched.
“It’s a two-way street.”
“Myenjoyment comes from givingyoupleasure.”
Oh, damn. I can’t form a thought because no man has ever talked to me like this. I want that. I want to have the total focus of one person, to give myself over to him even for this one night.
He’s watching me as I let my gaze slip down his body, stopping briefly at the sight of his arousal. There is no way he’s faking that. My gaze shoots up to his. Heat darkens his eyes but he says nothing.
At that exact moment, I know I must have him. I need this. I toe off my shoes, and just as I’m shoving them aside, he’s there, striding towards me and pulling me into his arms. He cups my face and lowers his head.
“Thank you,” he says, reverence in those two little words. I close my eyes and slip my arms around him. And for the first time since I lost my husband, I let another man kiss me.
Then, I forget the fact that I was ever married.
His mouth slants over mine as his tongue traces the seam of my lips. I open to him, stepping even closer. I want to feel all those impressive muscles against me. He delves into my mouth as his hands slip from my face, skimming down my arms, then around my body. When I moan against his tongue, he shudders in response. Cupping my ass, he pulls me up and against him. Oh, God, that feels so good. His cock is hard against my center, and all I want is to feel him without any barriers.
He apparently has the same thoughts as he carries me to the bed, letting me fall onto the mattress.
“I need you naked and as fast as possible.”