Page 18 of Last Love
Cora:I have no kids this weekend but I’m still getting dumbass texts.
Avery:*Gif Gasp* I’m going to tell them you said that.
Cora:Wait. I’ll text them and tell them.
I shake my head. Cora has no problem kicking ass in her house.
Avery:Good morning, Sunshine. We expect an orgasm count when you get back.
God, I wish I could be the woman I was last night. No worries, just fun. Just orgasm collecting and laughing. But, that’s not reality.
I step out of the bathroom again and locate my shoes. The three-inch heels are too much for me to walk in this morning. I snap them up and make my way over to the bed. I stub my toe and I try to bite back a curse and fail.
“You aren’t quiet trying to sneak away,” Mason says, his amusement making my face flush.
“I stubbed my damned toe on my way to say goodbye to you.”
I sit down beside him on the mattress. The urge to slip beneath the covers and cuddle almost overwhelms me.
A lock of his dark hair had slipped over his forehead, and I brush it back. His eyes flutter open.
“Oh, I thought saying goodbye was a euphemism.”
I smile. It’s not like we didn’t have a lot of sex. He took me three more times after the first. Any cobwebs that had been there are, without a doubt, destroyed. I’m sore, but in that good way after a night of fantastic sex.
“I wish it was, but my flight leaves in three hours. If I don’t get my sisters up, they won’t be ready in time.”
He lifts his hand to cup my jaw. It’s something he did several times last night and this morning. It’s almost more intimate than sex. The way he studies me strips me down to the bone. I don’t know how he does it, but it’s like he can see the mess I truly am and he has no problem with that woman.
“Remember that sometimes other people need to carry the load, Liv.”
The sweetness in his voice almost has me tearing up. My own family has never said that to me or noticed how close I am to breaking almost every damned day. This man has known me less than a day, and he sees it.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I lean down and kiss him, and I think to keep it short and sweet, but he opens his mouth. I can’t resist slipping my tongue in and tangling it with his. My heart is racing again by the time I pull back, and my head is spinning. “Thank you for last night. And this morning.”
He smiles. “Goodbye, Liv.”
“Goodbye, Mason.”
I rise off the mattress, and the need to cry hits me again for some reason. I don’t get it, and I push the insanity aside and walk out of the room.
I hope I don’t run into anyone on my way to the room because I know I’m a hot mess. Yes, I know this is Vegas, land of hot mess women doing the walk of shame, but it still makes me nervous.
Thankfully, we’re only two floors up, and the only person I run into is hungover and barely awake.
I’m unlocking the door to the suite I’m sharing with my sisters within five minutes. I stop when I find them sitting at the table, breakfast laid out, and they are all dressed.
“What is this?” I ask as I watch Gerry pour coffee.
“Finally! I was about to call security,” Avery says.
“She was not. She was going to text you again, and that’s because breakfast has been here for all of two minutes,” Cora says, rising and walking toward me. “How ya doing, kid?”
I smile, but I feel tears suddenly. I blink, trying to force them back. But they’re burning the backs of my eyes. The sob surprises me and soon, tears are pouring out of my eyes.
“Oh, hey, sweetie,” she says. She pulls me into her arms, and within a second, I’m surrounded by my sisters. Cora keeps her arms tight around me as I feel my other two sisters put a hand on my shoulders. “I can hurt him if you want me to.”
I laugh but pull back. They give me a little space as I wipe tears away. “I’m just a little emotional. And no, he didn’t hurt me. He was…amazing.”