Page 44 of Last Love
“No. Worse. I didn’t find out he was the Mason inThe Mason Jaruntil I was there for lunch last week. Then Houdini jumped the fence between our houses, and I found out that Mason lives next door to me.”
She is practically dancing in her seat. “Yay, that is so fabulous.”
“No, it isn’t.” Even in my deep-down heart, I know I’m lying to myself. “There’s nothing there. We just had that one night.”
“Yeah, that was, what? Three months ago? Everyone has been talking about how Mason hasn’t dated anyone in months.”
“What?” I fight back the excitement that threatens to break free. I shove it back into its corner and shake my head. “That doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to the LOLs, who are wondering what’s going on with him.”
“So, they are he isn’t dating? That’s odd. Don’t get me wrong, I understand small towns, and busybodies, but it seems odd.”
“Mason was never a manwhore. He just didn’t seem ready to settle down, and while he still flirts with every girl no matter the age—even my grandmother loves him—it’s more subdued.”
Nancy’s grandmother is the matriarch of the town and scary. It makes sense that Avery has made friends with her.
I roll my eyes. “Like that matters.”
“I think it does. Why does it bother you to maybe have a man interested in you? It can’t be a new experience.”
I shake my head. It’s the first time I’m interested in the man in question.
“So, tell me. What is going on with you?”
“He lives next door.”
She nods. “I could see that being a problem if it doesn’t work out, but I think you’re using it as an excuse.”
My eyes widen at her insight, and she laughs.
“You’re a lot like Syd. She always thinks that she has everyone fooled. She also works too hard, just like you. Tell me.”
I sigh. “The age thing is a factor.”
“Because he’s younger? Who cares? Travis is younger than I am.”
“Your age difference isn’t as big as the one I share with Mason.He’s at a point in his life where he should be having fun.”
“He’s just a few years younger than I am.”
She’s got a point, but I can’t think of anything serious with Mason. He’s everything I could want in a bed partner, but I have two people in my life who are too important and who are dependent on me.
“And I know you have obligations. Just…don’t discount Mason because of his age. He’s always been a little more mature when it comes to responsibility.”
I nod just as her phone buzzes. She laughs when she reads the message.
“Well, my love is getting my salad, and apparently, Mason was asking after you. Knowing Travis, he complained that Mason only sent enough food for you. Also, Mason was asking for your phone number. I mean, heisyour next-door neighbor.”
I hear the question in her voice, and her smile has turned mischievous. I really shouldn’t do this, but I can’t seem to help myself. I nod.
“Great.” She types out her answer faster than Callie can, who could probably medal in the Texting Olympics.
My phone buzzes with a text.
Unknown number:I hope your sandwich is good.
I type in his name for the number, then answer him.