Page 50 of Last Love
Avery rolls her eyes. “Oh, people don’t do that in food service.”
“They do,” Mason murmurs. “Not in my restaurant, but I know it goes on.”
“How do you know it doesn’t happen there?” Callie asks.
“I don’t allow it. Plus, they know that I will not allow it, and my management knows to kick out anyone who becomes so unruly that one of my staff would even think of doing that.”
“I don’t understand her attitude,” Avery says. “We were here the other day, and she was practically drooling all over Carter.”
“Sorry to say that she sees every woman as competition, and my family has kind of a history with her. Not sure what happened, but she was apparently mean to Becca. Everly despises her because of it.”
“She was mean to that sweet woman?” I ask. It’s hard to think that anyone would be mean to a woman who curtseys and is so bubbly all the time.
“Yep. Not sure what it was. We were much younger when Becca moved to town with her mom. All I know is that it was because of that incident that Becca and Everly became friends.”
I don’t usually make snap judgments about people, but at this point, I do. I can see being a jerk when you’re a kid, but apparently this was an ongoing thing. She has to be close to thirty.
Our waters arrived, but with another waitress. She looked to be in her forties or fifties, with short brown hair and smiling blue eyes.
“Darcy, nice to see you,” Mason says. “I take it Rhonda didn’t want to serve us?”
Her mouth twitches. “Yeah. She had to go on break. Again. Being the daughter of the owner has its perks.”
“You should apply over at the Jar.”
“I might do that.”
“This is Liv Edwards and her kids, Callie and Sammy. I’m sure you know Avery.”
“I sure do. Nice to have new faces in town. Heard you’re working for Travis and Nancy.”
I nod. “Yep. I’m the office manager.”
“So glad they decided to have their main office here.” She pulls out her pad. “What can I get for everyone?”
She takes our orders—and yes, Avery orders a milkshake—then leaves us to our waters.
“I have a feeling we’re going to be eating here a lot,” I say.
“Can’t beat their milkshakes,” Mason says with a smile.
His eyes sparkle with mischief, his dimples out in full force, and I can’t fight smiling back at him. And just like that, the entire diner fades away. It’s just like the first night I met him, when I couldn’t think of doing anything else other than…well, him. His eyes darken, and heat flares deep in my belly, sliding down between my legs. I’m glad I have a padded bra on, or everyone would see how hard my nipples are.
“Mom, do you think we can go see Uncle Fritz soon?” Sammy asks.
And just like that, the spell is broken.
Jesus, I was getting hot under the collar for a man in the middle of the diner with my kids and everyone else able to see. A blush crawls up into my cheeks. I pull my attention away from Mason and look at my son.
“Fritz said you could, but we need to check out Savannah’s filming schedule.”
“Savannah Martinez?”
Again, my attention is pulled back to temptation. I nod. “She’s married to my brother.”
“And he owns that cupcake shop in San Antonio, right?”
“They have the best cupcakes,” Sammy says. “My favorite is theAllison.”