Page 73 of Last Love
I could text her, but she won’t tell me. I know my sister. She’s probably insanely excited that she helped me get kidnapped. But there is always a chance I can pull the sister card.
Me:You suck.
Avery:Only when asked.
I roll my eyes.
Me:You knew where we are going and didn’t tell me.
Avery:Mason wanted to surprise you.
Me:I want to know.
Avery:Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.
Avery:He wanted to be sure I knew where you were going because of the kids.
First, because she’s a little crazy, people tend to forget Avery has a genius IQ. Second, I can’t fight my heart melting just a little bit. He shows more regard for my kids than I bet most men would if they were dating a single mother.
I give up because how can I ruin a surprise from such an amazing man. He went to all this trouble for our first real date. As he heads out of town, I glance over at him.
“I thought you would take me somewhere in town.”
He tosses me a smile, his eyes shining, his dimples showing. Gah, this man is so beautiful. I don’t think I will ever get used to it.
“I wanted time alone, and if we ate in town, people would interrupt us.”
“Is that it, or are you taking me somewhere to kill me?”
He throws his head back laughing. “It would have been stupid to tell Avery where I was taking you, though.”
I grin and settle back as Maren Morris belts out about writing songs. The conversation is easy, as if we’ve known each other for years, but there is a tinge of anticipation around the edges.
When he pulls into a field and drives down a gravel road, I glance up at him.
“Are you sure you’re not going to kill me?”
He shakes his head. “Your bosses own part of this land and I asked them if it was okay to trespass. There is a great view of the sunset from this hill.”
After situating the truck so that the bed faces the west, he winks at me.
Then, he’s out of the truck and I follow, almost hitting him with my door.
“Hey,” he says, laughing. “I was coming to help you out.”
My face burns as I take his offered hand and step out of the cab of the truck. Mason reaches around me to grab the meal he picked up. Before I can react to our location, he’s pulled out a blanket, spreading it out over the bed of the pickup, then he’s helping me up and we’re settling down.
I glance at him. “This took a lot of planning.”
He shrugs. Even with the setting sun, I can see the way his cheeks are flush. Oh, adorable.
“Maybe,” he says, pulling out a couple of beers. He opens one and hands it to me. I’m not a big beer drinker but I remember telling him how I loved drinking it with barbecue.
“Thank you.”
He studies me for a long moment. “You’re welcome.”
I take a quick sip of the Shiner Bock, enjoying the nuttiness as it slides down my throat.