Page 101 of Press' Passion
At the same time Tank grabbed her, my comms went dead. I could no longer hear what was happening inside the station or any instructions I may be issued.
“What happened?” I shouted once we reached the door leading outside and were met by Tryst and Brix.
“The motherfucker shot him!”Tank shouted back.
He set Luisa on her feet and reentered the building without saying anything more. Knowing she would attempt to follow, I grabbed her around the waist and held her to me.
“Let them do their job.Please, Luisa.”
She nodded.
“Over here,” said Ridge, motioning us to a waiting SUV.
“Who was shot?” I asked once we were inside and had removed our ballistic helmets.
“Al Zaabi.”
“By whom?”
“What about Jada?” Luisa demanded.
“I don’t know,” Ridge responded. My eyes met his in the rearview mirror, and in them, I saw the same worry I felt. “The comms system and the monitors went down as soon as the gunfire erupted and we heard the command to abort,” he added.
My own hadn’t ceased operation until several seconds later.
I raised my head when the door of the building Luisa and I had exited reopened. Two men raced out. One, who I knew was Zin, carried someone wrapped in a blanket in his arms.
“Who is that with him?” I asked, pointing to the other man.
“Onyx,” Ridge responded.
My eyes opened wide. While I should have expected Jada’s brother to be part of the K19 team, I hadn’t. It was my understanding he was currently residing on the East Coast.
“Let me out, dammit!”Luisa cried, trying to open the passenger door as we watched the two men run to the waiting Akicita.
“That’s Doc,” said Ridge, pointing as the third man got in the helicopter. As soon as he was inside, it lifted off.
The front passenger door opened, and Brix got in. “Jada is alive. They’re transporting her to Summerdale Community Medical Center.”
“What are you waiting for?Go!” Luisa shouted.
It took under five minutes to drive the two and a half kilometers to the medical center where Brix had said Jada was being transported.
“Is there another heliport?” I asked when we arrived, pointing to the one that sat empty.
“Not that I’m aware of,” Brix replied, looking over the seat at me with scrunched eyes, then back at his mobile. “This says Summerdale,” he confirmed. “There’s no other hospital on the Central Coast with the same name.” He typed something on the phone’s screen. “Correction. No other hospital with that name in the State of California.”
When Ridge pulled up to the emergency-room entrance, Brix exited the vehicle and ran inside. He returned within minutes. “The helicopter never arrived nor was it expected.”
“Where is she?” Luisa cried, the fight seemingly leaving her.
“Idon’t know, pet, but Tryst says we’re to meet at Butler Ranch,” I said, reading the message I’d received on my mobile.