Page 25 of Press' Passion
“I’m sorry,” Tryst said.
I put my hand on his shoulder. “There’s nothing for you to apologize for. No one expected a threat of any kind, let alone at this level.”
Ridge lowered his head and shook it. “I hate to say this, but we need to get her out of here.”
“I’m sorry,” Beau said, repeating Tryst’s words.
“I’ll make the arrangements.” While no one said it, even if anyone else had offered to relocate Luisa, I would’ve suggested she’d feel more comfortable with me, even over my brother. Her interest in him was romantic in nature. No one doubted she felt safest with me.
“You were planning to go to Napa,” Beau reminded me.
“You’re welcome to go in my place,” I snapped.
My brother’s wasn’t the only raised brow, but I didn’t owe him or anyone else an explanation for my surliness. That Luisa remained in danger was certainly cause enough.
“The main residence will be the most secure for the time being,” Tryst offered. “I’ll make arrangements to have her things brought from thecasita.”
“Press, I’d like to tell Seraphina and her sister together,” said Ridge.
“I wish there were another way,” I responded, hating to disrupt the wedding celebration but knowing we had to.
“Luisa’s safety is all that matters. If anything were to happen to her, it would destroy my wife.”
When he walked away from the group, Zin and I went with him. We were a few yards away from Beau, Brix, and Tryst when Zin put his hand on my shoulder.
“We’ll join you in a moment,” Zin said to Ridge.
Once there was some distance between him and us, my friend turned to me. “What’s going on with you?”
“I would think that would be obvious. I would also think you’d be as troubled as I am, hearing Luisa remains in danger.”
“I’m talking about before we received the news, Press, and you know it.”
I looked out across the landscape of Tryst’s ranch. Every other time I was here, I’d been filled with a sense of peace from the moment I arrived. This visit had been entirely different. “She’s in love with Beau.”
“Not quite the way I’d describe her feelings for him.”
I turned to study him. “What do you mean?”
“It’s a crush, at best.”
This time, I rolled my eyes. “You haven’t spent as much time with the two of them as I have.”
Zin shook his head. “He’s safe.”
“I beg to differ.I’msafe.”
“You’re looking at it wrong.”
I felt my shoulders tense. I was not in the mood for a discussion about how the woman I loved was enraptured with my brother instead of me. “We need to get in there.”
By the time we reached the tent’s entrance, Ridge was leading Seraphina and Luisa in our direction.
“We’re needed in the chapel,” he said. “All of us.”
When she approached me, I tucked Luisa’s arm in mine and rested my hand on hers. As I expected, neither she nor her sister asked why we were needed at the place where, a short time ago, a wedding ceremony had taken place.
“What’s going on?” Seraphina said to Ridge once we were inside the building.