Page 30 of Press' Passion
Press nodded. “As I said, we don’t have to discuss it now. Eventually, though, you should be aware.”
I took a deep breath. “Tell me.”
He studied me, perhaps for any sign of hesitation. “You’re certain?”
I hoped my voice didn’t waver, revealing my trepidation. “Yes.”
Press took both my hands in his. “There is reason to believe your abduction wasn’t random. Meaning, you were targeted specifically.”
“By Jorge, err, Manual Varilla?”
“No.” He hesitated and gripped my hands tighter. “By someone who offered a great deal of money to make it happen.”
I felt my stomach lurch. “Who?”
“We don’t know, which is why the threat remains.”
“Someone wanted to…” I couldn’t say the words out loud.Buy me?“Me specifically?” Who would do something like that? Who even knew me? I was nobody. “I don’t understand.”
“Given the amount”—he cleared his throat—“offeredincreased significantly, it appears the individual has not given up.”
“Oh my God.” I rested my head against the seat. “This really happens?”
“Admittedly, I know very little about human trafficking, but it does. On what level? Again, I’m not certain.”
I wished I could rewind the clock and be in the chapel on Tryst’s ranch, watching my sister marry Ridge, while the most important thing I had to worry about was that Seraphina had the happiest day of her life. Instead, I was on a plane. I didn’t even get to watch her first dance with my brother-in-law or them cut the cake or just marvel that they’d found each other.
Press caressed the back of my hand with his thumb. “I wish I could make all this go away.”
I plastered on the same fake smile I had earlier with my sister. “I’m just feeling sorry for myself.”
“Thanks to you and everyone else who showed up at the port outside London, I’m alive, and so are many others.” I ran my hand over the supple leather of the plane’s seat. “I’m in a private jet on my way to an estate in Napa Valley, where I’ll spend the rest of Christmas with someone who has become one of my dearest friends.”
“You amaze me, darling Luisa—your bravery, your tenacity. I admire you so.”
I must’ve fallenasleep resting my head on Press’ shoulder, but woke when he tried to ease away from me.
“My apologies. I should return to the cockpit. We’ll be landing soon.”
“Of course,” I said, sitting up and stretching. “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”
“We’ll be on the ground soon. Once we’ve landed, it will take us approximately one hour to get to my parents’ place.”
“Okay,” I said, scooting over to look out the window.
“How are you holding up?” Jaicon asked, joining me in the main cabin a couple of minutes later.
“Okay. Thanks.”
“Press mentioned he informed you of the reason we left Mexico. If you have any questions or concerns, I’m available at any time.”
“Thanks, Jaicon.”
“And please, call me Jacy.”
“Again, thank you, Jacy. So, um, Press said you used to work for MI6.”