Page 32 of Press' Passion
Another man approached. “I’m Henry Bonham, code name Zeppelin, and this here is Magnet, uh, Justin…”
“Magnussen. I’m your best friend, and you don’t know my bloody last name?” He slugged Zeppelin’s arm. “Nice to meet you, miss.”
While Tank sounded American, the other two were definitely European.
Magnet pointed to the men who appeared to be surveilling our surroundings. “That’s Atticus and Blackjack. You’ll meet them later.”
“Where are they from?” I asked.
“Both from the Bay area,” said Tank. “Like me.”
“We’re the only imports besides Jaicon,” added Zeppelin.
“Where do you want me?” Zin asked.
“You can ride with us in the second vehicle,” Magnet told him.
“I’ll grab the bags,” Press offered.
“If you’ll take Miss Reeve to the first SUV, we’ll handle getting your gear,” said Tank.
“This is intense,” I whispered once we’d gotten into the backseat.
“Precious cargo,” said Press, resting his hand on mine.
“I don’t think I’m worth all this.” I motioned with my hand toward the plane.
“There are a few of us who obviously disagree,” he said, squeezing my fingers and winking.
“How far is it to your parents’ house?” I remembered him telling me, but I couldn’t recall what he’d said.
“Approximately an hour. It depends on how quickly we can get through the valley. Most of the wineries are open for tasting, so there may be traffic. However, the majority will be going in the opposite direction.”
“On Christmas?”
“Like for theme parks, this is one of their busier days.”
“This is odd.”
I woke with a start and looked around. “What?” I asked Press.
His forehead scrunched. “The gate is open.”
“Get a vector,” I heard Zeppelin, who was seated in the front passenger seat, say. A few moments later, the second SUV drove around us and through the gate.
The sun had set, but there were no lights, so I couldn’t see anything beyond several trees that lined the driveway.
“Roger that,” Zeppelin said several minutes later. Magnet, who was behind the wheel, went in the direction the first vehicle had.
“What’s happening?” Press asked.
“We’ll know more in a minute, but Tank gave us the all clear.”
We slowly made our way down the long driveway until we reached the house. Magnet pulled up under the portico, where the other vehicle’s passengers were standing near the front door, talking with an older-looking woman.
“Go ahead,” I said to Press when he turned to me.
He got out and rushed over. At the same time, Zeppelin opened my door.