Page 35 of Press' Passion
“Was Mum an organ donor?” I asked my father.
“She was.”
“I’m afraid it’s too late for her organs to be viable.” The doctor put his hand on the doorknob. “I’ll give you some time to talk it over,” he said before leaving the room.
“It won’t bring her back,” my dad said, looking up at me.
“It will not.”
His eyes bored into mine. “I don’t know what to do.”
“We need to let Beau know what’s happened.”
“Yes.” When my father put his head in his hands for the third time, I stepped out of the room.
“Is there a place I can make a call? I need to alert my brother,” I approached a desk and asked.
“Of course. Come with me.” A woman, also dressed in scrubs, stood and led me to a room that looked similar to the one my father was in. I took several deep breaths after she shut the door behind me, trying to muster the courage to call Beau, knowing there would be no easy way to tell him our beloved mum was gone.
After speaking with my brother,my father and I decided against an autopsy. As Dad had said, knowing her cause of death would not bring her back.
Tryst was able to make arrangements for Beau to get a flight with someone he knew who also owned a private jet and lived nearby. “You stay with Dad. I’ll get a car service,” he said when I offered to meet him at the airfield.
The next call I placed was to Zin.
“Jesus, Press. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say. What can I do?” he asked after I told him the news.
“My father and I will be leaving the hospital. Do you know if Magnet returned to the house?”
“Negative. He’s still there, waiting.”
“If someone could make contact and let him know we’re ready to go, I’d appreciate it.”
“Roger that. What about Luisa? Do you want me to tell her, or would you rather speak to her yourself?”
I checked the time. It was close to midnight. “Don’t wake her.”
“She’s not asleep, Press. No one is. We’ve all been waiting to hear from you.”
“It’s best you inform everyone before my father and I return.”
“Will do. What about sleeping arrangements? We’re in the main house now, but we can move to one of the guesthouses.”
In terms of security, they were all equal to the main residence. “Perhaps that would be best. My father—”
“Say no more. I’ll take care of it. Tomorrow, we’ll talk about relocating.”
Relocating?I supposed it might be necessary, given what the following few days would bring. “Don’t make any arrangements to do so until I’ve seen Luisa.”
“Of course not, Press.”
We’d beenat the house under an hour when my father said the doctor had given him something to take for sleep. After we embraced, he went upstairs to the suite he and my mother had shared.
Even if I had something to take, I wouldn’t have done. It didn’t matter that Luisa had more than enough security to ensure her safety; that she was in a guesthouse rather than here with me left me feeling unsettled.
I poured a glass of brandy from the bottle my father kept in his study and walked over to the window. From there, I could see lights on in the house where Luisa slept. I was about to turn away when I saw her figure appear in the window. She raised her hand, and I did the same. Seconds later, my mobile rang.
“You should be asleep,” I said.