Page 43 of Press' Passion
“That’s what she told Alex.”
“Yes, but I was there that night.”
“Why did she, Dad?”
“She wanted your bids to be the highest. Little did we know Brix had rigged his own to be, or that Ridge’s would go as high as it had.” My father smiled. “Your mother was ready to throttle him.”
“He was a man in love.”
“Then Ridge was, and now it’s you.”
I shook my head. “She’s in love with Beau.”
“Nonsense.” My father stood, set his glass on the cart, like I had, and looked out the window. “Guests will be arriving soon. We should make our way downstairs.”
“Of course. Before we do, I want to apologize again and also let you know whatever you need, I’m here for you, Dad.”
He put his hand on my shoulder. “That conversation you didn’t want to have? That’s the kind of thing I need, Lavery. You’re my son, and I love you more than anything else in the world. Your mother felt the same way about you and your brother. She’d want me to focus on the two of you, making sure you’re okay. Not the other way around.”
“I should change,” I said, motioning to the door.
My father nodded, and I left the room.
Not knowing when I might have the chance again and wanting to clear the air, I rang Luisa.
“Hi,” she answered before I even heard the call connect.
“I trust you made it safely to Butler Ranch.”
“Hang on. Let me go outside so I can hear you.” I heard a door opening and closing. “Okay, that’s better. Yes, I made it safely.”
“Let me guess. Sorcha is feeding the masses?”
Luisa chuckled. “You’re right. She actually expressed concern there wouldn’t be enough food once she saw myentourage.”
“Tank alone could probably polish off enough for several guests.”
“How are you, Press?”
“As well as can be expected. I, um, called to apologize for not being there to send you off.”
“Why weren’t you?”
“Must I admit to it?” I muttered under my breath, not that it kept her from hearing me.
“I’m sorry. I had no idea he planned—”
“There is no need for you to apologize.”
She didn’t speak, but I could hear her breathing.
“I’ve just left a conversation with my father,” I said.
“How’s he doing?”
“Taking on the role of my mother along with his.”
“He’s worried about you and Beau. Any parent would be, with the loss of the other.”