Page 72 of Press' Passion
I wanted to clarify something. “Tier three for sexual abuse?”
“More than that, but in this case, I believe that’s what we’re dealing with. Females are sold into men’s homes, then used up and essentially thrown away. Which subsequently feeds directly into street-level prostitution.”
Based on Zeppelin’s knowledge of human trafficking statistics, I began wondering who exactly the people on Luisa’s detail were. Something told me they were far more than contractors for K19.
“I apologize for curtailing the conversation, but we’ve gone off track. The matter at hand is Luisa’s relocation,” said Jaicon.
“My apologies,” I said to her before turning to Tryst. “I assume your suggestion is to return to Alamos.”
Tryst nodded. “The decision is yours, of course.”
I shook my head. “I mean no disrespect, but the decision is Luisa’s.”
“It’s almost midnight,” said Jaicon. “We should make a decision regarding relocation soon, even if it’s temporary.”
“Understood,” I repeated. When I crossed the threshold and realized no one had followed, I closed the door behind me.
Sorcha stood when I approached, but Leah remained on the other side of her daughter.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Mom. We didn’t want you to worry,” I heard her say when I sat beside her.
“It’s okay, baby. You don’t need to apologize.”
Luisa’s eyes met mine. “Mom, will you excuse us for a minute?”
Like before, Sorcha led Leah several feet away.
“If you’d like me to make the decision, I will. However, I’d like to hear your thoughts.”
“I can’t stay here tonight,” she whispered. “I don’t know if I’ll sleep anyway, but I can’t go back to that room.”
“Would you feel safe if we stayed at Seahorse, just for the night, and made our decision in the morning?”
“Don’t you have to return to Napa?”
“We can talk about that tomorrow as well, but the short answer is no, I do not.”
“Would I be safe at your parents’ place?”
“Yes.” I didn’t hesitate, given I could attest to the level of security in place. No one could get on or off the property undetected.
“That’s where I’d like to go.Tonight.”
“We’ll leave whenever you’re ready. There’s a helicopter waiting.” I looked up when Jaicon came inside.
“We’ll go to Napa,” I told her.
“I need to pack,” said Luisa.
“It’s already taken care of,” Jaicon assured her.
She looked over her shoulder. “Mom?”
“Don’t worry about me, baby,” said Leah. “I’ll stay with Sorcha and Laird tonight, and in the morning, Ridge and Seraphina will come get me.”
I leaned closer to Luisa. “The hour is late. If we’re going to make the trip tonight, we should leave now.”
She nodded and gripped my hand when we stood.