Page 79 of Press' Passion
“I’m pleased you’ve returned,” I said, only then releasing her to walk over to embrace him. “Father will be as well.”
“I got as far as London,” he said, looking over at Luisa, who’d turned her back to us. “Then I realized there were things here I needed to rectify.”
“Should I ask what specifically?”
Beau sighed. “I know this may sound odd, but I feel as though I am interrupting. Is there something going on between the two of you?”
“You’re not interrupting,” said Luisa, turning to face him after clearing her throat. There was a smile on her face, but there was no warmth behind it. “What things do you need to rectify?” she asked.
He took several steps in her direction. “Mainly, things between you and me.”
Luisa’s eyes met mine, then she glanced at Beau. I nodded, guessing she wished to speak with him alone.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll let the two of you talk.” I hurried out of the room, knowing I wouldn’t be able to bear it if Beau’s return meant the short-lived romance between us came to a quick and bitter end.
I raced up the stairs to his room and removed my clothes from it. The question then was what to do with Luisa’s bag. She’d moved it into my room after I came downstairs to start breakfast—something I still hadn’t done.
I went across the hall, to a spare bedroom, opened the door, and tossed my bag and clothes on the bed, then went back for my tablet and laptop.
Perhaps the lack of sleep was affecting me more than I’d realized. I had no idea what to do.
Last night, after Luisa had nodded off, I read a few minutes longer, just in case she woke up. At the same time, I sent a text to Jaicon, asking what the message Luisa had received from the unknown number said.
That was what Zeppelin and I had been discussing before Luisa and Jaicon came into the kitchen earlier.
“A graphic and disturbing photo accompanied the message,” he’d told me.
“May I see it?” I’d asked.
“I’ll forward it to you.”
I hadn’t had the chance to look before, so I picked up my mobile and swiped the screen. There was an alert that I’d received a message, and I saw it was from him.
Again, the image is graphic and disturbing. I warn you not to view it in Luisa’s presence,it read.
I downloaded and opened it. It was grainy and difficult to decipher. However, in it was a naked woman, who thankfully, had a different height and build than Luisa. Her arms and legs were bound and spread, tied to four hooks protruding from the wall she faced. There were marks crisscrossing her back that appeared to be bleeding. The only other thing visible in the photo was a man’s hand holding some kind of whip.
The accompanying message read, “Your punishment awaits, my Luisa. Next time, you won’t escape before we’ve had our fun.”
I rushed into the lavatory, closed the door behind me, and wretched. Even after I’d emptied the meager contents of my stomach, I continued to heave.
When I exited the washroom after rinsing my mouth, Luisa was standing in the hallway just outside the bedroom door. Her eyes were wide.
“You saw it,” she said.
Without answering, I took her hand and pulled her into my arms. “I will protect you. I will keep you safe. I vow it on my own life.”
“Don’t say that,” she whispered. “I can’t lose you, Press.”
“You never will. I’ll be at your side, watching over you for as long as you’ll allow me to be. Even if…” I regretted my final two words as soon as I’d spoken them.
She raised her head from the familiar place it rested above my heart. “Even if? What were you about to say? Even if I’m with Beau?”
I nodded slowly. “No matter who you may choose, I’ll still be here for you.”
“Choose? Am I choosing?”
“A poor choice of words, I’m afraid. Not at all what I meant.”