Page 15 of Bone's Destiny
“Who is it?” Cobra asked.
“You’re not going to believe this.” He laughed and shook his head. “Forrest Frat.”
“Forrest?” Spectre vaulted out of his chair. “Forrest-fucking-Frat?” He paced along the back wall. “I know that name.”
“You ought to. Piper mentioned him a few years back when she started college. I’d even forgotten about him until I overheard him talking on his phone when I left the hospital.”
“What was he doing at the hospital?” Cobra’s knuckles were white around the mallet’s handle.
“He works there.” Stitch blinked like a lunatic. “The son of a bitch has been right under my nose!”
“And near Piper,” Spectre growled. “She rejected him, I think.”
“Yeah, she did. Several times if I recall.” My mind was blown like Stitch’s. “Where’s she now?”
“I told Ben before I came here. He’s got her with him. Someone needs to go get her and take her home.” Stitch finished off his energy drink.
“You shouldn’t be drinking those. They get you too hyped up and make you…” I twirled my finger by my head like he was crazy.
“I know, I know.” He bobbed his head. His attitude was totally different from the last time I saw him. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was on drugs, speed, or cocaine. But Stitch never touched the stuff. He just drank several of those damn drinks a day.
“Well, this is the worst timing to get this news.” Cobra stared at me. “Destiny is all yours, brother. I don’t want to hear any complaining. Take her. We’ve got other pressing shit to deal with.”
Goddammit. I hated getting pushed into a corner. “How long?”
“However long it takes. I think she was stolen from her birth parents.”
My jaw dropped open. “Seriously?” Why the fuck hadn’t he mentioned that at the beginning of the meeting?
“Call it a hunch.” Cobra took out his phone. “I gotta reschedule the face-to-face with Vegas until we make sure Piper is safe.”
“You’re meeting with the VP of Hell’s Bells and didn’t tell me.” Shit, I’d like to be in on that sit-down. Because of those motherfuckers I had scars from my arm up to my neck. They were the ones who’d torched the office building where Reign’s dad worked in retaliation to us blowing up their bar.
“I told you. We got a lot of stuff going on here. See why we need you?”
“I’m not staying.”
Cobra raised his hand to silence me.
I stewed in my chair, thinking everything through. Capturing a woman and holding her prisoner at my compound could cause a lot of problems for my crew and me. She could try to run away and be a royal pain in my ass. I’d put Espada or Cash to deal with her. Cobra would never know.
But it was the topic of stolen babies that made me irate and put me on edge. Eleanor Hebert came to mind. Could my old man have stolen me from her? My eye twitched. I turned toward Stitch. “I’m not staying.” If I did, I couldn’t be sure what I’d do. Retribution boiled in my blood over what the Hell’s Bells did to me. I wanted to make them pay, which made me unstable with anyone else, especially with Dad and Lady M.
“You said that already.” Stitch looked at me strangely.
“I’ll take the girl and return to Montana. But I’m not staying.” If Lady M and Dad weren’t going to tell me anything about Eleanor Hebert, I needed to do what I could on my own to find her and solve the mystery once and for all.
“What’s going on with you and mom?” Buff asked. “I know what I heard.”
“You didn’t hear shit.” I eyed him, narrowing my gaze.
Spectre, Hustler, Copter, Gunner, and Stitch stared at me suspiciously. They made me feel like a trapped rat surrounded by coiled snakes, ready to strike. Christ, this was what I had feared most.
“All right, meeting adjourned,” Cobra shouted, putting his phone down. “Vegas agreed to come out another week.”
There just might be a God. “I’ll be here for the meeting.” I didn’t trust Vegas or any of the Hell’s Bells. They were a rough, greedy, violent MC. From what I'd heard, Keg had escaped prison dozens of times. Vegas couldn’t be any better. He was the VP, after all.
“Fuck. I knew it. That’s why I didn’t tell you about the meeting.” My brother shook his head, but he wouldn’t keep me away. Lady M should be in better condition to deal with my ever-growing obsession for the truth by then.