Page 43 of Bone's Destiny
“Welcome,” Espada said. “Make yourself comfortable at the table.”
Destiny came to my side. “Wow, they’re all gorgeous.” She crossed her arms over her body like she wanted to cover herself. When we were in bed, I could tell she was self-conscious of her body. Regular meals might do the trick, but I thought she looked great. But she wasn’t wrong. The women were beautiful and curvy, the way Espada liked.
“They’re alright.” I hooked my arm around her and tugged her close. “I’m only here because you made me.”
“None of them appeal to you?”
“They’re here for a good time. It’s like a job.” I sensed she was sizing herself up against them.
“Which one do you like more, though? The brunette or the blonde? Or maybe you like the smart-looking girl with glasses and light brown hair. Or the one with tattoos and short blue hair?” She kept her eyes on the chicks. “I’m just curious.”
“I like blondes.”
She smiled and leaned into me. Apparently, that was the correct answer.
Honestly, hair color didn’t matter to me. I hadn’t really thought much about what I liked about a woman. The ones I’d been with were only for a good time. I quickly discovered that I liked everything about Destiny, which surprised me. She wasn’t similar to any women I’d been with before. She got me talking. Unprecedented. She was so damn upbeat and playful and seemed to enjoy being with a grump like me.
After the interviews ended, I told Destiny I had some work to do. She’d gone to my bedroom to watch a show, but she seemed tired. We’d stayed up late last night, so she probably needed a nap. It was weird. She hadn’t been gone long, and the place felt strange without her presence.
“I’m not feeling the blonde.” I looked from Espada to Cash.
“I didn’t think you were participating in playing with the club girls,” Espada said in a snarky tone. “I want the librarian. Love me a dirty little good girl.”
“Dude, that makes no sense.” Cash snorted. “I liked Stevie.”
“Which one was that?” I hadn’t paid much attention to their names. Mostly tuned out their introductions. My mind had been preoccupied with Cobra's text during the interviews. He wanted me to call him but didn’t mention why or about what. I’d been uneasy since.
“The one with the blue hair and tats. She was pretty cool.” Cash nodded approvingly.
“What about your baby mama?” I asked, not especially interested, but I tried to show my MC brothers that I cared about them and their personal lives.
“She’s always pissed at me and complains about Willa. I don’t know what she wants me to do about her.”
“Baby’s sense shit, ese. Good and bad vibes, y’know?” Espada said.
“That’s probably what it is. Why did I not wrap my dick? One time, it was only one time!”
“That’s all it takes, Cash.” I went to the fridge for a beer. “Just learn for the next time.”
“I won’t make the same mistake twice. Not that Willa is a mistake. I love my baby.” He gazed at a photo of his daughter and him. It was his screen saver.
“I’m going to my office to call Cobra. You two pick which girls you want. I’m fine with whatever you choose.” I left the room and dialed my brother.
“Hey, how’s it going?” he answered, sounding… not angry or irritated.
“Good. Just interview some women.”
“Oh yeah? For club girls?”
“Mhm. Just two.” I entered my office and closed the door.
“Guess that’s all you need in your small club. How’s Destiny?”
I knew he’d ask about her. “She’s great.”
“Great, huh? What exactly does that mean?”
“I don’t know. She’s good, adjusting to being here, I guess.” I waited for a reply, sitting in my desk chair, but all I got was silence. “You there?”