Page 20 of Bonita Brynne
“Thank fuck.” I sagged in my chair. “What about the others?”
Grunts and fists pounded the table.
“Still in a holding cell. Theo is working on getting them released, but it’s not so easy since they reside at Bone’s compound.”
“Fuck,” Bone growled.
“But Ryder’s home of record is Minnesota,” Hero shouted. “I want him home!”
“I get you, brother.” Storm kept his voice calm. “But he endangered lives and damaged police property. I get why he did it, but he’s got a prior on his record.”
“I’m sorry he got mixed up in this,” I told Hero sincerely. “He and Cash were only supposed to mess up the trails on the ATVs, so the pigs couldn’t track which way Brynne and I had gone so easily.”
“He has a savior complex.” Hero shook his head. “Just like when he beat that kid to an inch of his life for assaulting Willow. A year behind bars should’ve tempered his trigger reaction.”
“Sometimes, nothing changes a person, not even prison,” Wolf muttered across from me, his head hung low as he focused on his folded hands resting on the table. His hair and beard were gnarlier than the last time I saw him. He seemed tired and defeated. “What about Copper? Will he serve time?”
All eyes cut to Storm.
“Probably.” Prez rubbed his temples. “Theo’s doing everything he can to get him a reduced sentence.”
“Fuck. I want to kill that fucking Dorian!” My blood pressure shot through the roof. “He’s not getting my woman.” He’d have to end me before that happened.
“What?” Dodge asked in a confused voice.
My gaze rounded the table when I realized I’d spoken out loud. Storm pinned me in my chair with a you-spilled-the-beans-not-me look.
“Are you talking about Brynne?” Lynx asked.
“Who else would he be talking about?” Boxer tilted his head toward me. “She’s the only one connected to Dorian.”
“Jesus, fuck, cuz! Brynne? She’s my cousin andyourstepsister?” Dodge not so kindly reminded.
My brothers watched on in disbelief. I wasn’t sure what I had expected when they found out about Brynne and me, but I sure hadn’t expected to feel guilty and ashamed.
“They aren’t blood-related,” Storm told the group. “They didn’t even know each other until a few months ago, so watch yourselves. This is a judge-free zone.”
“So you knew about them, huh, Prez?” Dodge just wouldn’t stop.
“Yes. And I don’t owe any of you an explanation.”
Christ, if this was how my MC brothers reacted to Brynne and me, what would they do when they found out I knocked her up? I didn’t even want to think about it.
I raised my hands to quiet the room. “I didn’t set out to fall for Brynne. It just happened. Most of you have an old lady. Don’t tell me you could have stopped yourself from being with her. That’s how it was for me. The draw to—”
“Your stepsister was stronger than your good sense. Is that what you’re saying?” Dodge appeared sick to his stomach. He wasn’t usually so dramatic.
“I fell in love, and I’m not sorry.” I wouldn’t beat the shit out of him, though I wanted to. When he arrived at the clubhouse years ago, he’d been told about Brynne. He knew her as family, his cousin. I understood where he was coming from, where all the men at the table were coming from. I just didn’t like it. Even if I could, I wouldn’t go back and change a thing. Brynne was my person.
“Now that we know who Track’s woman is let’s get back to business.” Storm twirled the gavel on the table. “Raul and Tina will arrive in the morning. I’m following their lead on what to do about Raymond. He’s their boy, so we’re doing what they say. Understand?”
Grunts filled the room.
“Good.” Storm turned toward me. “Anything else you want to say before I end church?”
“Don’t go shooting weird looks at Brynne. She’s been through a lot. I want her to know she can trust the club.” No way would I announce I was going to be a father to this grumpy, judgmental crowd. In time the shock of Brynne and me would wear off, then I’d drop another bomb.
“She can trust me,” Lynx said first.